
A little bit of kindness goes a long way

After noticing a number of people in the region gratefully reporting small acts of goodwill from strangers, The Gympie Times has decided to publish one daily

In a random act of kindness Reg Gilroy helped The Gympie Times photographer fish her car keys out of the drain.
In a random act of kindness Reg Gilroy helped The Gympie Times photographer fish her car keys out of the drain.

'TIS the season for goodwill and the community of Gympie is getting in the spirit.

After noticing a number of people in the region gratefully reporting small acts of goodwill from strangers, The Gympie Times has decided to publish one daily.

The Gympie Times random acts of kindness movement highlights the big difference little acts can make to someone's day.

Just recently, The Gympie Times photographer Renee Albrecht experienced her own random act of kindness.

On a busy work day of running about, Mrs Albrecht was returning to her car in Gympie Central car park with full hands when she went to get her keys out her pocket.

Alarmingly the keys dropped into a drain and underneath a grate which was unmovable.

A nearby man saw our photographer in distress and came over to help.

"I'll have something in my truck," he said and fetched a tool to fish out the keys.

"I was overwhelmed that he took time out of his day to help me," the photographer said.

If you have a random act of kindness which has been displayed to you we would love to publish it. It doesn't have to be big, just a random act of good will that made a difference to your day.

Please email or post your act on our Facebook request.

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