
5 bizarre or brazen Gympie crimes of the past week

Police are on the look out for the following offenders and items after a small spike in petty crime in the region.

Emergency Services: PolicePhoto Bev Lacey / The Chronicle
Emergency Services: PolicePhoto Bev Lacey / The Chronicle

GYMPIE police are calling for witnesses and warning people to keep alert after they have been alerted to the following crimes around the region in the past few days:


Don't exhaust yourself

A DRIVER was fined $133 and lost one demerit point for driving a defective vehicle on the Wide Bay Highway at Cinnabar on Monday.

Police first observed the driver's car making excessive exhaust noise.

The driver, a 35-year-old Point Vernon man, allegedly explained to police his exhaust had a hole in it when he was pulled over.

He was advised to get it fixed when he was fined.


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Brazen canoe theft from home

POLICE are calling witnesses after neighbours reported a canoe stolen from an address in Kidgell St last Saturday.

Police will allege between 5.45pm and 6pm, people entered a property and took a canoe stored under a house.

The double seated white fibreglass canoe was strapped to the alleged offenders ' vehicle before taking off.

The owner was away at the time and was notified by neighbours of the activity.

If you have information contact Policelink on 131 444 or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.


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Break-in attempt

BETWEEN June 3 and June 4, offenders attempted to force their way into a building on Monkland Street, Gympie.

They approached the rear door of the building and using an unknown tool, tried to gain access resulting in damaging the door and metal security cover plate.

Thanks to the solid rear door being well secured, the offenders did not gain entry or cause other damage.

Police are appealing for assistance from anyone who may have witnessed suspicious behaviour in the area on the above dates to contact Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


Stolen wallets returned

FOUR wallets stolen in the Gympie region at the weekend were found and handed in by members of the public.

"Fortunately for all but one - a black purse located on Hall Rd, Glanmire, have found their rightful owners," Senior Constable Deb Page said.

She reminded people to be mindful of where they left their wallets to avoid being the victim of opportunistic theft.

"Often they can be stolen from open handbags left unattended, such as in trolleys at the supermarket or from inside unlocked vehicles or unlocked homes," she said.

"It is very distressing and inconvenient when a wallet is lost as not just your money is stolen but all your bank and identification cards."


Lookout for plate pinchers

POLICE are looking for information about number plates that were stolen from a car at Du Rietz Court, Southside last Thursday night.

Anyone who may have witnessed suspicious behaviour in the area or have any information about the offence, is urged to contact Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Officers also urged the public to be on the lookout for suspicious people or activity around cars, in carparks and on private property.

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