
Olivia Fensom sentenced in Gladstone court for drugs, stealing

A former McDonald’s worker has been hit with hefty fines for a string of offences including drug possession and a supermarket theft.

Olivia Monique Fensom was sentenced in Gladstone Magistrates Court.
Olivia Monique Fensom was sentenced in Gladstone Magistrates Court.

Olivia Monique Fensom got busted with cannabis and stole from a supermarket - but her crimes did not stop there.

Her string of offences has now cost her dearly, hit with $2000 in fines as punishment.

The 21-year-old pleaded guilty in Gladstone Magistrates Court to numerous charges including possessing dangerous drugs, stealing, contravening a community service order, and two counts of failing to appear in court.

Police prosecutor Jennifer Leach said police executed a search warrant at a Glen Eden residence when they found Fensom in possession of 0.9g of cannabis.

Fensom also committed a brazen theft at the Toolooa Street IGA Supermarket.

While there with two males, she took a 500ml energy drink from a fridge and started drinking it while walking around the store.

Olivia Monique Fensom.
Olivia Monique Fensom.

Fensom stood behind the two men at the checkout and she made no attempt to pay for the $3.99 drink.

As well as failing to appear in court twice, Fensom breached her community service order by only completing 18 of the required 60 hours.

The court heard Fensom had a four-page criminal history which consisted of drug offences including supply.

Solicitor Bianca Wieland said Fensom had previously been employed at McDonald’s but she was currently not working and receiving Centrelink benefits.

Ms Wieland said during the period of the community service order, Fensom had struggled with homelessness and her mental health.

“She is very remorseful,” Ms Wieland said.

Magistrate Mary Buchanan fined Fensom $2000 and convictions were recorded.

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