
Keenan Mark Peirce, 19, pleaded guilty on Friday to nine charges including producing dangerous drugs

A Central Queensland mine worker sporting face tattoos and flexing gang signs has faced a Gladstone court for drug crimes. READ THE FACTS BEHIND HIS OFFENDING:

A Central Queensland miner sporting face tattoos and flexing gang signs on social media landed himself in Gladstone Magistrates Court for drug offending.

Keenan Mark Peirce’s unit was searched by Gladstone police on September 9, 2020 with marijuana, a grow tent and other drug paraphernalia being located.

Peirce, 19, pleaded guilty on Friday before Acting Magistrate Ron Muirhead to nine charges including producing and possessing dangerous drugs.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Merrilyn Hoskins told the court police attended a unit on Charles Street, Gladstone on the aforementioned date around 10pm, searching for a wanted person.

“Police went around the rear of the dwelling and saw multiple people sitting on the couch in the living room,” Ms Hoskins said.

“Police called the mobile phone of a wanted person who had previously called police on that day and it was heard ringing from inside.

“Police knocked on the front door and Peirce answered the door while another person walked from the couch and out of view.”

Police searched the house for the wanted person and located a marijuana grow tent in an upstairs room with ducting and a loud humming sound coming from it.

The grow tent contained a 62-centimetre marijuana plant growing in a black pot.

Police also located 8.45 grams of marijuana, a grow lamp and a humidifier among other paraphernalia.

Peirce said he grew the drug as he was legally prescribed medical marijuana, however, he could not afford it.

He also told police the quantity of marijuana was taken off the plant and all paraphernalia was his.

Peirce’s lawyer Bianca Wieland of Kenny & Partner’s told the court her client was a machinery operator at Rolleston coal mine and had good future prospects.

“I have been informed by my client he would like to further himself in his work out at Rolleston by obtaining more tickets,” she said.

In sentencing, Mr Muirhead said Peirce was a youthful offender who had appeared before the court twice before and had a lengthy traffic history.

“I am stretching the law as much as I possibly can here, however, I am prepared to not record a conviction given what your solicitor has said today,” he said.

“If you appear before this or any other court again there is not a shadow of a doubt a conviction will be recorded against you.”

Peirce was convicted and sentenced to 12 months probation and fined $1000. Convictions were recorded.

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