
Jacob Leslie Van Wyk sentenced over robbery and text threat

A man who acted as a “lookout” in a retail store robbery moved to Central Queensland to get away from the drug scene, a court has heard.

Jacob Leslie Van Wyk faced Gladstone Magistrates Court on September 27.
Jacob Leslie Van Wyk faced Gladstone Magistrates Court on September 27.

A man who acted as a “lookout” in a retail store robbery subsequently moved to Gladstone for a fresh start, a court has heard.

Jacob Leslie Van Wyk, 25, pleaded guilty in Gladstone Magistrates Court on September 27 to numerous charges, including enter premises and commit an indictable offence, receiving tainted property, threatening violence, drug-driving and two counts of disqualified driving.

The court heard that Van Wyk had a six page criminal history and police prosecutor Sergeant Kevin Ongheen said his latest offending was “very concerning”.

The court was told the enter premises charge related to an incident in June last year, when Van Wyk was with two other men, one of whom stole more than $7000 worth of items from a BrightEyes stores at North Lakes.

“It’s a very sad situation that, in this day and age, where someone is running a sunglasses and eyewear shop, a group of defendants target them, contrive to enter that store, with members of that group positioning themselves as lookouts,” Sgt Ongheen said.

“He (Van Wyk) was the lookout.

“The person who jumped the counter managed to take (items worth) a total value of $7681.38.

“The retail price would be considerably more.”

The prosecution sought one-third of the amount in restitution from Van Wyk.

Jacob Leslie Van Wyk.
Jacob Leslie Van Wyk.

The court heard the threatening violence charge related to Van Wyk texting a person saying: “ keep going you dead dying dog, I swear to God when you rock up here I’ll f---ing slice your f---ing throat you grub.”

Solicitor Bianca Wieland said in relation to the BrightEyes store offence there was “no prior planning” and Van Wyk received no benefit from the crime.

Ms Wieland said Van Wyk was okay with paying the one-third amount of restitution sought.

The solicitor said Van Wyk, who was setting up his own car detailing business, had moved to Gladstone for a fresh start and to get away from the drug scene.

Before imposing penalty, Magistrate Mary Buchanan noted that Van Wyk had a “long” criminal history which included “varied offences of dishonesty”.

She sentenced him to nine months’ jail, wholly suspended for two years.

Ms Buchanan also fined Van Wyk $1400, ordered he pay $2560.46 restitution, and disqualified him from driving for two years and three months.

Convictions were recorded.

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