
New mental health services coming to Gladstone in 2024

Free mental health care and support will soon be available in the Gladstone region where confronting statistics about the number of locals taking their own lives have been revealed.

Free mental health support is coming to Gladstone.
Free mental health support is coming to Gladstone.

Free mental health care and support is coming to Gladstone.

‘Head to Health’ is a Queensland Government initiative to connect people with mental healthcare services without the need for a GP referral or prior appointment.

According to a joint statement from the State and Federal Governments, the Gladstone program will be designed specifically to target the issues at hand in the region, with community guidance being taken on-board to curate the services available to people.

Head to Health currently has services in Townsville, with more to open in Ipswich and Kingaroy later this year.

The Australian and Queensland Governments have promised $2.4 million for the service across the state, meeting gaps in availabilities and support types which are not already being provided.

Head to Health is a confidential service provider for adults, with tailored support systems in place depending on the surrounding industry and largest contributing problems to mental health,” the statement explained

It is unclear where the Gladstone service will be based, however it is understood the lengthy time frame for its instatement (it’s set to open early next year) is to allow for thorough community discussion.

CQ service provider, The Outback Mind Foundation, spoke to this publication earlier in the year regarding their aim of reducing male suicide rates in regional Queensland.

“Gladstone has 2.2 times the national rate of male suicide,” founder Aaron Schultz said at the time

Gladstone Mindcare, another mental healthcare provider has supported 171 people in a three-month period for 2023, compared to a total of 251 for the entire year of 2022.

A spokesman for the Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention said that the aim of Head to Health program was to take pressure off other mental healthcare providers and fill gaps in support services.

If you need support, phone Lifeline 24 hours on 13 11 14.

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