
Gladstone real estate: The latest auction and sales results for week ending March 16

There were 19 properties sold in Gladstone last week, with 63 new listings in the region. See the latest auction and sales results.

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A four-bedroom house in Boyne Island was the most expensive sale reported in Gladstone last week.

The property at 89 Tarcoola Drive sold for $1.1 million by private sale.

The cheapest property was a two-bedroom unit at 241/75 Central Lane, which sold for $350,000 by private sale.

nan data division Proptrack has reported 23 local auction and private sale results in the past seven days.

Guide to reading auction and private sale results

PI - Passed in

PT - Sold by private treaty

S - Sold at auction

SA - Sold after auction

SB - Sold before auction

VB - Passed in on vendor bid

W - Withdrawn from auction

Auction and private sale results in Gladstone

Click on the address to know more.

Agnes Water
12/52 Captain Cook Drive, 6-bedroom house, PT, $800,000
Agency - McGrath Agnes Water 1770

Boyne Island
89 Tarcoola Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $1,100,000
Agency - LJ Hooker - Boyne Island / Tannum Sands
1/12 Golf View Drive, 3-bedroom house, PT, $495,000
Agency - LJ Hooker - Boyne Island / Tannum Sands
9 Valley Way, 4-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - LJ Hooker - Boyne Island / Tannum Sands
31 Island Esplanade, 3-bedroom house, PT, $599,900
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone
17 Golf View Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $597,000
Agency - LJ Hooker - Boyne Island / Tannum Sands
10 Golf View Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $780,000
Agency - LJ Hooker - Boyne Island / Tannum Sands

4 Rosslyn Cl, 5-bedroom house, PT, $615,000
Agency - Jim Baron Realty - SOUTH GLADSTONE

Gladstone Central
241/75 Central Lane, 2-bedroom unit, PT, $350,000
Agency - Raine & Horne - Gladstone

Glen Eden
32/2 Beezley Street, 3-bedroom unit, PT, $370,000
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone
44 Reinaerhoff Crescent, 4-bedroom house, PT, $880,000
Agency - Raine & Horne - Gladstone
22/42 Glen Eden Drive, 3-bedroom unit, PT, $392,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents
16 Dean St, 4-bedroom house, PT, $625,000
Agency - Jim Baron Realty - SOUTH GLADSTONE

New Auckland
41 Sharyn Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $695,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents
2/12 Bridgeman Place, 3-bedroom house, PT, $445,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents
9 Curlew Drive, 3-bedroom house, PT, $410,000
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone
5/9 Cockatoo Drive, 3-bedroom unit, PT, $365,000
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone

South Gladstone
250 Auckland Street, 2-bedroom house, PI, Undisclosed
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone

Sun Valley
5 Twin Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $540,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents

West Gladstone
17/7 View Street, 3-bedroom unit, PT, $390,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents

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The previous auction and sales article for Gladstone can be viewed here.

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