
Gladstone real estate: The latest auction and sales results for week ending March 1

See the latest auction and sales results in Gladstone for last week.

Inside Victoria's very own Yellowstone-style ranch

A six-bedroom house in Wooderson was the most expensive sale reported in Gladstone last week.

The property at 229 Potters Road sold for $1.4 million by private sale.

The cheapest property was a two-bedroom unit at 249/75 Central Lane, which sold for $310,000 by private sale. data division Proptrack has reported 15 local auction and private sale results in the past seven days.

Guide to reading auction and private sale results

PI - Passed in

PT - Sold by private treaty

S - Sold at auction

SA - Sold after auction

SB - Sold before auction

VB - Passed in on vendor bid

W - Withdrawn from auction

Auction and private sale results in Gladstone

Click on the address to know more.

Agnes Water
3 McGhee Crescent, 4-bedroom house, PT, $860,000
Agency - McGrath Agnes Water 1770

58 Trudy Avenue, 4-bedroom house, PT, $700,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents

74 Col Brown Avenue, 5-bedroom house, PT, $570,500
Agency - Locations Estate Agents
11 Campbell Street, 4-bedroom house, PT, $540,500
Agency - Locations Estate Agents
11 Wivenhoe Close, 3-bedroom house, PT, $531,000
Agency - One Percent Property Sales

Gladstone Central
249/75 Central Lane, 2-bedroom unit, PT, $310,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents

Glen Eden
48 Victoria Avenue, 4-bedroom house, PT, $662,500
Agency - Locations Estate Agents
44/2 Ringuet Close, 3-bedroom unit, PT, $385,000
Agency - Raine & Horne - Gladstone

2 Seagull Boulevard, 4-bedroom house, PT, $560,000
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone

Round Hill
2208 Round Hill Road, 4-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Ray White Rural Agnes Water - AGNES WATER

South Gladstone
280 Auckland Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $390,000
Agency - ilookproperty - HEAD OFFICE

Sun Valley
84 Philip Street, 4-bedroom house, PT, $575,000
Agency - Ray White - Gladstone

West Gladstone
4/61 Tank Street, 6-bedroom unit, PT, $579,000
Agency - Locations Estate Agents

229 Potters Road, 6-bedroom house, PT, $1,417,500
Agency - LJ Hooker - Boyne Island / Tannum Sands

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