
Gowns and glam for Gladstone women battling cancer

For women battling cancer, self care is something that falls to the bottom of the priority list. Leanne Johnston is trying to change that.

Darlene Adsett is the first woman to have had her photos taken. Picture: Leanne Johnston.
Darlene Adsett is the first woman to have had her photos taken. Picture: Leanne Johnston.

When Leanne Johnston was diagnosed with breast cancer, one of the last things on her priority list was self care.

So, when one of her friends offered to take some glamorous photos of her, she thought it was a great idea.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago and while going through chemo a local photographer friend spent some time with me to take some beautiful images that gave me strength, positivity and empowerment... while going through a really horrid time,” Ms. Johnston said.

This made her think of all the other women undergoing cancer treatments while juggling their everyday responsibilities attached to motherhood and work.

Ms Johnston made the decision to create a “women empowerment day”, to pamper other women who had personal experience with cancer.

“I really appreciated the experience and want to pay it forward to others, and I want to give the ladies attending a sense of fun too… I really believe we all need a bit of spoiling,” she said.

Ms Johnston has seen the benefits of the idea already, after doing a photo shoot with Darlene Adsett, another local breast cancer survivor.

Darlene Adsett is the first woman to have had her photos taken as part of the initiative. Picture: Leanne Johnston.
Darlene Adsett is the first woman to have had her photos taken as part of the initiative. Picture: Leanne Johnston.

Ms Adsett said that the photos had a profound impact on her, and made her feel good about herself again.

“When I first saw the photos, I was surprised how well they turned out, they were absolutely beautiful,” Darlene said.

“They made a 50 something year old woman feel good about herself again… let’s be honest, we all have doubts about ourself when doing something a bit different, but Leanne’s beautiful personality just has a way of making you feel comfortable.”

Ms Johnston is collaborating with several others around the region on the project, with April from Hospital in the Home as the makeup artist and Caroline Waters for gown styling.

Caroline said that she had seen a similar incentive benefit her own mother.

“My mum passed away from cancer, but it was so nice for her to have my wedding to look forward to,” she said.

“It kept her motivated and gave her an event to dress up for.”

A new counselling service, “Counselling with Compassion”, will donate three free counselling sessions to all participants, and other businesses like Mellissa Holzeimer, Priceline and My White Document have contributed products and services to the event.

The photo shoot will be held at the Cedar Galleries artist village on October 28.

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