
‘Focused on rebuilding’: Airport to rebound after COVID-19

The CEO of the Gladstone Airport Corporation is unsure how long it will take the air travel industry to financially recover from the effects of COVID-19.

Gladstone Airport Corporation CEO Mark Cachia said state government funded upgrades to the city’s airport security should have no effect on travel costs.
Gladstone Airport Corporation CEO Mark Cachia said state government funded upgrades to the city’s airport security should have no effect on travel costs.

The CEO of the Gladstone Airport Corporation is unsure how long it will take the air travel industry to financially recover from the effects of COVID-19.

Mark Cachia’s comments came after Ken O’Dowd welcomed changes passed in the Queensland Senate, which soften the financial burden on regional airlines of beefed-up security measures.

The changes were made to ensure travellers did not face disproportionate cost increases when the security measures come into place next year, particularly at a time when regional aviation is reeling from the consequences of COVID-19.

Mr O’Dowd said airports were essential for Central Queenslanders, with many living in rural and remote areas and relying on air travel.

“Coronavirus is still a serious concern for our health and our economy, and we are focused on rebuilding first and foremost,” Mr O’Dowd said.

“We need to give the economy a chance to recover from the ongoing health crisis.

“I believe security upgrades might put an unnecessary emphasis on council operated airports as well as add extra pressure to struggling airlines.”

Mr Cachia said upgrade costs to Gladstone aiport screening equipment, including the introduction of body scanners, would not be handed down to customers.

“The Gladstone Airport has implemented their upgrades, with all regional and domestic airports to have implemented their proposed changes December 2020,” he said.

“These are state government funded upgrades which will not have any effect on the paying customer once air travel resumes,” Mr Cachia said.

Chair of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee and Nationals Senator for Queensland Susan McDonald said regional airport operators had made it clear what increased costs would mean.

“Everyone is aware that if you increase costs on airports, they will be passed on to operators, who will pass them on to passengers,” Senator McDonald said.

“At our hearings many regional airport operators told us they are concerned about the potential impacts of increased costs leading to fewer passengers, fewer services and eventually even fewer airports serving regional Australia.

“The Nationals in the Senate will not take a backward step in standing up for rural Australia.”

In the 2018-19 budget the Federal Government committed more than $50 million towards new security equipment at regional airports.

Gladstone airport’s security investment is worth about $100,000.

Mr Cachia said Gladstone airport’s full financial recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic would be a prolonged process.

“A Queensland Government roadmap has been implemented and that is the same with each state, but it is still difficult to tell as all airports are in the same financial position,” he said.

“Obviously it will take time, given people’s trust in the airport industry, but we will be working hard to get our passenger numbers back up while working with both airlines.

“We don’t believe Gladstone airport will be affected by international travel restrictions; it should have a minimal impact on us.”

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