

Bruce Highway crash victim Max Rourke honoured by twin brother Zac

A Bruce Highway truck explosion that closed the highway for days also parted inseparable twins three months ago but out of tragedy comes a heartwarming story of strength and resilience.

Three months have passed since a catastrophic truck explosion took the life of 21-year-old Max Rourke (left), pictured with twin brother Zac.
Three months have passed since a catastrophic truck explosion took the life of 21-year-old Max Rourke (left), pictured with twin brother Zac.

Three months have passed since a catastrophic truck explosion took 21-year-old Max Rourke’s life – putting a hole in the Bruce Highway at Bororen and an even larger one in his twin brother Zac’s heart.

Max was driving his ute along the Bruce, south of Gladstone, on August 30 when it and a truck carrying ammonium nitrate collided.

The early morning incident saw the truck spill its load, causing it to catch fire and subsequently a second tank of ammonium nitrate exploded.

Recovery works taking place on the Bruce Highway where an ammonium nitrate truck exploded near Bororen. Photo: TMR.
Recovery works taking place on the Bruce Highway where an ammonium nitrate truck exploded near Bororen. Photo: TMR.

But now in a touching twist, Zac has found the strength to step up from being just an “on the tools man” at Max’s Central Queensland construction and roofing business, to be the man running it.

Zac filling his late brother’s shoes as director/project manager is not only about keeping the business going and its dozen staff in work – it’s about keeping Max’s memory alive.

Max Rourke. Picture: Facebook
Max Rourke. Picture: Facebook

“That’s the only reason I’m doing it,” Zac said.

When asked how much that would mean to Max, Zac replied: “Heaps – he’d love it.”

“It (Max’s death) is still not real to me – I still haven’t processed it.

“It was rough (on everyone at work) – we’re all really close, like a family.

“But they’ve been a massive support.

“They (workers) have definitely rallied around us.”

Max Rourke (left) and Zac.
Max Rourke (left) and Zac.

Zac said he’d found the strength to keep going by “keeping busy.”

“But I’ve got massive support around me – people that care.

“My partner Felicity has been a rock for me – massive – her and my dad (Anthony).”

Max’s death was not only mourned in Central Queensland but also at the Gold Coast where the twins grew up.

Max did his schooling at Merrimac State High School.

Zac Rourke (left) shares a moment with twin brother Max.
Zac Rourke (left) shares a moment with twin brother Max.

The driver of the truck involved in the crash, a 47-year-old New South Wales man, was flown to Bundaberg Hospital with serious injuries after the incident, but was later reported to be in a stable condition.

The twin brothers had left the “Glitter Strip” and come to Central Queensland in 2020 when demand for roofers spiked after a supercell storm with tennis-ball sized hail caused widespread damage at the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton.

“We moved here (CQ) for work – we were supposed to be here for six months (after the storm),” Zac said.

“And we haven’t left.”

Zac Rourke (left) and twin brother Max.
Zac Rourke (left) and twin brother Max.

Zac said he would always remember Max as “goofy.”

“He was always singing – anything from Billy Joel to Taylor Swift, he would sing anything and everything.

Max Rourke (left), Zac and their father Anthony.
Max Rourke (left), Zac and their father Anthony.

“He was a terrible singer,” Zac said as he chuckled.

“He sung everyday, all day, you wouldn’t catch him not singing.

“The last message he sent to me (before the crash) was “Come Dance With Me” and he was probably just singing the song, all happy.”

Zac said the love of music ran in the family.

“We grew up with dad always playing music and stuff.

“We all love music.”

Like most twins, Zac and Max shared a very close bond, with Zac saying they “did everything together.”

“Every day.

Mum Skye (middle) with sons Max (left) and Zac.
Mum Skye (middle) with sons Max (left) and Zac.

“We worked together, we went to the beach, we went shooting at the range, we watched soccer – dad’s from Liverpool so we always watched the EPL (English Premier League).”

That said, if there’s a goofy bloke in heaven belting out a tune right now, it’s probably Max singing the Liverpool anthem “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and it’s a sure bet he’d want Zac to be listening.

Zac Rourke (left) and twin brother Max.
Zac Rourke (left) and twin brother Max.

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