
Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts renewable energy industry job boom for CQ

A new report has found that Gladstone and Rockhampton are forecast to share in more than 6000 renewable energy industry jobs. Read more here:

Andrew Forrest explores hydrogen hub in Hunter

A new report has found Gladstone and Rockhampton are two places most likely to benefit from the rollout of future renewable energy projects.

The report, published by the community group Solar Citizens, found turning Queensland into a significant exporter of renewable hydrogen would create 30,000 solar and wind farm construction jobs.

Of those jobs, 6,600 will be created in the proposed Fitzroy renewable energy zone, which encompasses Gladstone and Rockhampton, alongside 400 ongoing jobs in operations and maintenance of the renewable energy projects.

The job figures come from an analysis of newly released Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) modelling showing the projected build-out of large-scale renewable projects if Australia becomes a renewable hydrogen superpower.

Solar Citizens energy strategist Stephanie Gray said the analysis showed 10,000 renewable construction jobs would be created by 2030 compared to the current trajectory.

“But the jobs in renewable energy project construction and management are just the start,” she said.

“If we tap into Queensland’s incredible solar and wind potential to create abundant cheap energy we’ll also be powering jobs in hydrogen production, minerals processing and manufacturing.

“Gladstone is one of the places most likely to benefit from the rollout of renewable hydrogen projects.

“There are plans to develop a massive 3,000 MW renewable hydrogen facility in the region and a separate hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing plant.”

This analysis comes as the Queensland Government develops plans for three Renewable Energy Zones in northern, central and southern Queensland.

A Renewable Energy Zone is a location with good renewable energy resources that has been identified as a strategic location to build out grid infrastructure so new solar, wind and storage projects can connect to the grid.

“We recently commissioned polling showing 60 per cent of Queenslanders think the State’s grid should be powered entirely by renewable sources within the next 15 years, if not before,” Ms Gray said.

“But right now the Queensland Government’s draft renewable plans fall well short of the clean energy ambition we’re seeing in New South Wales and Victoria.

“This is despite 62 per cent of Queenslanders agreeing the state’s renewable energy zone plans should at least be in line with New South Wales’ and Victoria’s plans.

“Australian States are racing to attract the investor attention for new renewable export industries, like renewable hydrogen. Queensland can’t afford to lose out because we’re not investing enough in renewable energy infrastructure.”

Solar Citizens is calling for the Queensland government to ensure at least 2,000 MW of new renewable energy generation is added to each of Queensland’s three Renewable Energy Zone regions by 2025.

An open letter supporting this recommendation has been signed by groups including the Australia Institute, Beyond Zero Emissions, and hydrogen proponent Edify Energy.

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