
School soars toward positive behaviour for learning

Ma Ma State School launches new learning program.

BLAST OFF: Ma Ma Creek chaplain Tim Ormiston prepares to launch rockets with students to mark the implementation of Positive Learning Program. Picture: Francis Witsenhusyen
BLAST OFF: Ma Ma Creek chaplain Tim Ormiston prepares to launch rockets with students to mark the implementation of Positive Learning Program. Picture: Francis Witsenhusyen

WHAT better way to launch a learning program at a school with the motto "Aim High” than by launching real rockets.

To represent the official launch of Ma Ma State School Positive Behaviours for Learning program (PBL), school chaplain and rocketeer Tim Ormiston set off two rockets with an excited group of students recently.

Principal Maree Rosier said PBL was a whole school approach that valued the individual child while ensuring there was a safe and respectful environment for children.

"When I came here we had some significant behaviour problems and traditional behaviour methods had no effect at all,” Ms Rosier said.

"So we came up with a positive behaviour for learning program... then we came across an organisation which offers the same idea.

"We were already doing most of those things in their program.”

Since the school softly introduced the program earlier in the year, there has been promising results.

"Kids are here for learning, that is our purpose, and unless they feel settled, safe and comfortable, then learning doesn't happen,” Ms Rosier said.

"We readily acknowledge good behaviour, and when expectations aren't being met, there are natural consequences.

"For example work not completed in class must still be completed but in play time. We are finding fewer instances of expectations not being met.”

Ma Ma Creek School Chaplin Tim Ormiston launched rockets with students to mark the official implementation of the school's Positive Learning Program. Picture: cONTRIBUTED
Ma Ma Creek School Chaplin Tim Ormiston launched rockets with students to mark the official implementation of the school's Positive Learning Program. Picture: cONTRIBUTED

Ms Rosier said they launched rocket just for fun because a rocket is one of emblems used for the PBL program, and at times teachers give out little rocket tokens to the students as a reward.

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