Historic home sets auction record in North Toowoomba
A FEDERATION-ERA home in Gentle St has set a new record for a property sold at auction in Toowoomba’s north-east.
A FEDERATION-ERA home in Gentle St has set a new record for a property sold at auction in Toowoomba’s north-east.
These home hacks can make a big difference for a small spend.
Elderly and low-income groups most vulnerable
Striking modern architecture and quality natural finishes set the standard for luxury living
THE owner of a popular Sunshine Coast adventure park whose site has been listed for sale hopes a bigger and better fun park will be built under new landlords.
A NEW eco community village project is about “sustainability and treading lightly upon the land”.
A PROPOSED Burnett Heads housing development has been approved by Bundaberg Regional Council despite concerns from residents that it may impact turtles.
BECOMING a real estate mogul is all about risk and reward – there is no point sitting on the fence waiting for a fortune to drop into your lap.
GLOBAL investors are driving increased demand for luxury Queensland properties the new Queensland arm of prestigious international realty brand.
THE Sunshine Coast property market is on the brink of a substantial lift with values predicted to rise 25-33%.
A fire pit makes a great centrepiece in a backyard, especially during winter.
A ROCKHAMPTON property expert says he expects the market to pick up as investors bide their time before diving into the market.
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/gatton/property/page/194