
Police update on Gatton crash reveals supposed cause

Police have revealed the cause of a crash in Gatton’s main street that saw four vehicles smashed. DETAILS:

A patient was transported to Gatton Hospital following a three car crash in Railway Street, Gatton on Thursday. Photo: Hugh Suffell.
A patient was transported to Gatton Hospital following a three car crash in Railway Street, Gatton on Thursday. Photo: Hugh Suffell.

A crash in the main street of Gatton that landed one woman in hospital and four cars severely damaged was reportedly caused by driver error, police have revealed.

Gatton police officer-in-charge senior sergeant Rowland Browne said police were called to a four vehicle accident on Railway Street at 11am on Thursday.

A patient was transported to Gatton Hospital following a three car crash in Railway Street, Gatton on Thursday. Photo: Hugh Suffell.
A patient was transported to Gatton Hospital following a three car crash in Railway Street, Gatton on Thursday. Photo: Hugh Suffell.

Investigations into the crash continue but so far have revealed the driver was attempting to park her car when she lost control of the vehicle and “accelerated instead of braking,” senior sergeant Browne said.

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As a result, the female driver collided with four other vehicles, damaging them all.

A patient was transported to Gatton Hospital following a three car crash in Railway Street, Gatton on Thursday. Photo: Hugh Suffell.
A patient was transported to Gatton Hospital following a three car crash in Railway Street, Gatton on Thursday. Photo: Hugh Suffell.

She was transported to Gatton Hospital after suffering minor injuries and shock.

Another two patients were treated at the scene.

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On January, 30 at 4pm, police attended a two vehicle traffic crash on Lefthand Branch Road, Lefthand Branch.

Senior sergeant Browne said it appeared two vehicles collided head-on on a causeway at relatively low speed.

One passenger received minor injuries while the driver was issued with an infringement for driving without due care and attention.

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