
Eggs unbroken as chicken coop flies away in rough storm

It’s not drought-breaking, but Wednesday's storms have been welcomed with open arms.

60mls of rainfall in Grantham.
60mls of rainfall in Grantham.

AFTER months without any rain, the reprieve from the dry yesterday afternoon was a welcome change for most in the region.

Lower Tenthill onion farmer Andrew Mildren said he was lucky and only received rain and nothing damaging but nearby, it was a very different story.

In Carpendale, where rain-watchers recorded 47 millimetres of rainfall, a garden shed bolted to cement dislodged itself and flew into a neighbouring property.

The owner of the shed, who wished to remain anonymous, said the structure had been converted into a chicken coop and after the shed blew next door, what remained were four eggs.

"We had them for breakfast today," the shed owner said.

Why the shed became airborne while four fresh eggs stayed put remains something of a mystery but the shed owner said it might have come down to the shape of the structure, which could have "created a wind tunnel".

Next door, a trampoline flew up into the powerlines.

"The wind just picked it up and this is not just a trampoline, it's the Hilton of trampolines," the shed owner said.



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