
YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR: Ryder is wheelie having a go

Ryder has now developed a steady client base for his Down & Dirty Bin Cleaning Services.

GO-GETTER: At just 12 years old, Ryder Wortley has started his own bin cleaning business. Picture: Alistair Brightman
GO-GETTER: At just 12 years old, Ryder Wortley has started his own bin cleaning business. Picture: Alistair Brightman

A YOUNG Hervey Bay entrepreneur has taken making pocket money to the next level by starting his own wheelie bin cleaning business.

When he was 10, Ryder Wortley was selling his handmade shell necklaces to neighbours, selling off toys or asking his mum to help do a paper run just to earn some cash.

Now 12, he applied for a job at a local butcher and as a referee but was told he had to be 14 years and nine months old to work.

But that didn't stop him.

Inspired by a young Brisbane teen with autism who started the same venture, Ryder has now developed a steady client base for his Down & Dirty Bin Cleaning Services.

With mum Kirsty as his driver, the young go-getter has services from Urangan to Cragnish after school and on weekends.

He is saving to buy a mobile phone or a TV.

"I wanted to work and started off asking Mum if I could do refereeing but I was too young for that job," Ryder said.

"I like getting the money and my customers love that I am doing it.

"It gives more time to people when I do it because they might be busy and don't get to it.

"It's really enjoyable."

The young lad's biggest supporter is his mum, who couldn't be more proud of Ryder's work ethic at such a young age.

"I am very very proud of him," Kirsty said.

"It gives him a chance to understand how to save money and he's still learning how the business works.

"It keeps him out of trouble and hopefully he will find that people will get to know who he is when he's older and - when he knows what he wants to do - has more opportunity to find the work that he wants."

Kirsty said her son's clients had shown Ryder a great deal of support, with plenty of lovely comments left on his Facebook page.

"The feedback we have had from his customers has been wonderful," she said.

"I'm really grateful to people who have given him a go.

"It's nice to have wonderful and encouraging words because he's trying to get out there and make an effort."

Members of the Fraser Coast community can book Ryder by sending him a message on his Down & Dirty Bin Cleaning Services Facebook page or by phoning 0430054247.

Ryder charges $10 to clean one bin or $15 for two.

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