
WATCH: How you can help Cameron live like other teens

For the past 14 years, Maryborough local Amy D'Amico has dedicated much of her life to caring for her son, Cameron.

The D'Amico Family Need Our Help

FOR the past 14 years, Maryborough local Amy D'Amico has dedicated much of her life to caring for her son, Cameron.

Born with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, Cameron is unable to walk, talk or sit unaided and requires a hoist.

But there's just one problem.

At 160cm tall, Cameron's current hoist has become far too small and Ms D'Amico is in desperate need to raise funds in order to purchase a new hoist which costs $5900.

SEEKING SUPPORT: Cameron D'Amico, 14, and his mother, Amy, are seeking support from the community so they can purchase a new hoist which is desperately needed since Cameron has grown out of his current one. Picture: Valerie Horton
SEEKING SUPPORT: Cameron D'Amico, 14, and his mother, Amy, are seeking support from the community so they can purchase a new hoist which is desperately needed since Cameron has grown out of his current one. Picture: Valerie Horton

"He's a gorgeous boy," she said.

"He's very cheeky and loves watching TV and listening to loud music just like any 14-year-old boy would."

"We can hopefully get government assistance for $3300 but that leaves a gap we have to pay of $2600," she said.

"As his parents we have spent significant amounts of our own money to try and ensure Cam has a quality of life that any other child has."


In a bid to raise funds, Ms D'Amico launched a mycause campaign to raise $2600 and within 24 hours had raised $1000 from the community.

Ms D'Amico suffers from degenerative osteoarthritis in her back and bulging discs leaving her in constant pain from years of lifting Cameron.

However, the new hoist has an extra feature which means Ms D'Amico does not have to partake in any lifting as it can be raised and lowered automatically.

"The one he has now, I have to physically lift him to put him in the hoist whereas the other one has a separate hoist," she said.

"It's getting harder and harder to do this on our own and we just need to ask for a little help in getting this hoist."


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