
Motorcyclist flown to hospital after crash at Boompa

A motorcyclist was airlifted with multiple injuries today after crashing at Boompa, south west of Maryborough.

A motorcyclist was airlifted to hospital on the Sunshine Coast after crashing on the Fraser Coast on Tuesday morning, January 21, 2025.
A motorcyclist was airlifted to hospital on the Sunshine Coast after crashing on the Fraser Coast on Tuesday morning, January 21, 2025.

A motorcyclist was airlifted to hospital on the Sunshine Coast after crashing on the Fraser Coast on Tuesday morning.

The single-vehicle crash happened at Boompa on the Maryborough-Biggenden Rd south west of Maryborough about 11.10am, a Queensland Ambulance Service spokesman said.

The man suffered chest, arm and leg injuries in the crash.

The rescue helicopter was tasked to the scene and the man, aged in his 60s, was flown to Sunshine Coast University Hospital in a stable condition.

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