
Q&A with kitchen maestros Dan and Steph

OPINION: It's just so overwhelming how much support we received throughout our time on My Kitchen Rules and still to this day.

Dan and Steph Mulheron from Eat at Dan & Steph's on the Esplanade in Hervey Bay. Picture: Alistair Brightman
Dan and Steph Mulheron from Eat at Dan & Steph's on the Esplanade in Hervey Bay. Picture: Alistair Brightman

OPINION: It's just so overwhelming how much support we received throughout our time on My Kitchen Rules and still to this day.

We are so appreciative of it.

People travel for hours to come to Eat at Dan and Steph's.

We all have a chat, talk about our experiences throughout the show and what we have been up to since.

We still travel quite a bit, visiting many regions, and to run into so many great people who actually remember us is pretty cool.

We just didn't realise how one little show could change lives for ever.

When we travel, visit different locations or even actually when we are at Eat, we frequently get asked many questions.

We could talk for hours about everything and are more than happy to.

We thought we might share some of the questions here, just in case you may be thinking the same thing.

Q: How was being on the show?

A: It was hard, but a great experience. Very stressful and we just applied ourselves and adapted to many different scenarios and just gave it a crack

Q: How were Manu and Pete?

A: They were both awesome! Pete was very professional, lovely and inspirational. Manu was a big clown … a kid. Always joking around and just generally a top bloke!

Q: Did they pay us?

A: Yep Seven did pay us each week to be part of the show. It was business to them and a job to us - 16 hour days for six months.

Q:What have you been up to since you won?

A: Between April and December last year, we were very busy with travel, PR and promotion with the show. It kept us very busy week by week with cooking demos, appearances, always practising cooking and trying new techniques.

We went on a holiday and then came back to open our very own restaurant in Hervey Bay called Eat at Dan and Steph's - it took us 3½ weeks to turn a complete shell into what it is today.

Q: When are your sausages coming out?

A: We are currently working on getting our raw sausages out and they should be available at Eat at Dan and Steph's in coming weeks. We are working on nutrition panels, labelling and packaging. We won't be too far away. Then you can take them home and share them with your family. We will let you know as soon as they become available.

Q: How is business?

A: We have been open for six months now and we could not be happier. Business is fantastic but it wouldn't be without everyone's support ... so thank you!

It's hard work. We have learnt a lot over the past six months as we are new business owners but we love every minute of it.

We have amazing staff, great processes and we change the entire menu every three months to stay fresh and vibrant.

We hope everyone else likes the entire change and trying new things that we come up with.

Changing the menu every three months keeps us very busy - as one comes out we are then working on the next.

We try to stay innovative, fresh and exciting. It keeps us excited too as it's all new flavours and techniques. We hope for a smile on the faces of our customers - if that happens, we are happy.

We do what we do every day because we love it. We love feeding people, making people happy with food. It's our passion.

Q: Do you have a baby yet?

A: Unfortunately not as yet - but this is one of our biggest goals that we want to achieve.

We will be trying IVF later on in the year, so please keep your fingers crossed for us.

We hope we have covered some questions that you may have thought of.

If you have any more, we are more than happy to answer - please email us and we may do a similar article again with other questions.

Once again, from the bottom on our hearts, thank you everyone for your kind words and support.

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