
Peter James Wood pleaded guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm

A man has attacked one person with a baseball bat and grabbed an elderly man by the throat in two separate, vicious incidents sparked by money and a misunderstanding.

A court has heard a man was involved in two separate violent incidents within a matter of weeks, including one in which he grabbed an elderly man by the throat.
A court has heard a man was involved in two separate violent incidents within a matter of weeks, including one in which he grabbed an elderly man by the throat.

A man involved in two separate violent attacks in a matter of weeks, one of which involved an 83-year-old man, has faced sentencing in a Wide Bay court.

Peter James Wood pleaded guilty to one of count of assault occasioning bodily harm and one count of assault occasioning bodily harm while armed when he faced Hervey Bay District Court today, July 30.

The court was told Wood, who appeared in prison greens in the dock, had been involved in two separate violent incidents, the first on December 3, 2023.

He had approached the victim in regard to some dispute about money, the court heard.

Wood went to his premises and he approached the victim, who was holding a baseball bat.

Wood took it from him and then swung it towards his knees.

The victim blocked the swing with his hand, causing injury to his hand and fingers including tenderness and swelling, the court was told.

Wood, who had attended the residence with someone else who had remained in the car, had then left the premises when that person yelled out.

The court was told the second incident happened on January 12 when Wood involved himself in a matter that had nothing to do with him.

The victim was 83 years old and there had been a dispute between him and his granddaughter, the court heard.

Allegations of improper conduct were made against the elderly man, the court was told.

The victim said he was going to leave and Wood became violent, grabbing the man by the throat, and pushing him to the chest causing him to fall and scrape his arm along the door jam, causing extensive skin tears.

All parties had attended the police station and it was revealed that what the victim was being accused of was “completely wrong” and there was nothing to justify Wood’s involvement or actions, the court was told.

The court heard Wood was 34 years old when he committed the offences and had a lengthy criminal history.

He had been subject to two suspended sentences at the time of committing the new offences, the court was told.

The court heard Wood had been in custody for some time.

Judge Brad Farr sentenced Wood to 15 months’ prison for assault occasioning bodily harmed and 21 months’ prison for the assault occasioning bodily harm while armed.

The suspended sentences were both ordered to be served concurrently with the 21-month head sentence.

Wood was given immediate release on parole.

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