
OUR SAY: Don't be afraid to visit Fraser Island

There's no need to be afraid, but we all need to be reminded that it pays to be cautious.

There's no need to be afraid of Fraser Island or Lake McKenzie. Picture: Courtesy of Fraser Coast Tourism
There's no need to be afraid of Fraser Island or Lake McKenzie. Picture: Courtesy of Fraser Coast Tourism

THE tragic deaths of two teenage boys on Fraser Island are a terrible reminder that it doesn't matter how calm or clear the water is - it can still pose a danger.

The beautiful, pure waters of Lake McKenzie have been enjoyed by tourists for decades and will be enjoyed for many more to come.

To say that we need to be safe in the water is not to put undue fear into people's hearts or minds, or to attribute blame.

For the most part, Fraser Island and one of the jewels in its crown, the stunning lake, is a safe place to visit.

There's no need to be afraid, but we all need to be reminded that it pays to be cautious.

We don't know anything about the swimming ability of the two boys who tragically lost their lives over the weekend.

What we do know is even the strongest swimmers can get into trouble, even in unlikely circumstances.

From the smallest bucket to the greatest ocean, there is potential for drowning and we all need to be aware of that fact while still allowing ourselves to enjoy these places and to take in the beauty.

To the parents of the boys who lost their lives, our hearts go out to you.

Like thousands of other tourists who visit our region, we wanted your sons to have an amazing time here and to go home telling you what they saw and did.

Horrific circumstances prevented that from happening and we share in your heartache and grief.

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