
How could anyone kill an animal and drive off: Opinion

HOW could anyone kill an animal and drive off without checking on it?

HOW could anyone kill an animal and drive off without checking on it?

Whether it be a dog, cat or kangaroo I consider this an form of animal cruelty. 

In this instance it was a roo that was hit and remained alive suffering on the road.

The worst thing is - children in another car witnessed the dying animal suffer.

Luckily someone had the decency to call authorities who put the roo out of its misery.

From experience any type of animal trauma like this sticks with you into adulthood.

I remember when I was in primary school we were driving to school when we struck a little fluffy pup.

I still remember the yelp of the hound and my mum crying in shock after she realised she had run over the dog who came from no-where.

But the difference is we did something about it and stopped to check on the animal to discover he was dead.

Mum found a bag and we went door knocking in an attempt to find the owner to break the news.

I would be interested to find out what you think. Is it a human's responsibility to stop and check on an animal if they were responsible for killing it even if it was an accident?

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