
Driver caught trying to transport bike alongside car at Maryborough|VIDEO

“Just when we think we have seen it all …”. Police on the Fraser Coast have released video of a driver showing how not to transport a bike. SEE THE VIDEO.

Fraser Coast car wheeling bike

Police in Maryborough are used to chipping locals for hanging their arms out the window but one local driver took it a step further, keeping one hand on the wheel while using the other to drag a bike alongside the car.

Footage of the foolish act, captured by Maryborough Highway Patrol officers on Kent St about 1.20pm, November 2, was released by police on Friday.

While the local officers had a joke about coming across the ‘six-wheel drive’, they stressed the ‘unique’ transport method was also dangerous.

Sergeant Josh Churchward, officer in charge of Maryborough Highway Patrol said the behaviour, even over a short distance, could have resulted in “potentially devastating consequences”.

“Driving is something that requires your full attention and you should take all necessary care at all times,” Sergeant Churchward said.

“We’re glad nobody was hurt in this instance, but we do want to remind everyone that road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Something like this not only puts yourself at risk, but other road users too.

“Drive safely and expect police anywhere, anytime.”

The 30-year-old driver was issued with a traffic infringement notice and sent on his way.

It’s not known if he successfully got his bike to the desired location.

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