
Western Downs welcomes new doctor

WITH 15 years of experience and a strong interest in geriatric cases and chronic diseases, Dr Saji Manuel is a welcome new addition to Western Downs Medical.

NEW IN TOWN: Dr Saji Mauel (centre) was welcomed by colleagues Dr Viktoriya Sidenko and Dr William O'Reilly. Picture: Jessica Bahr
NEW IN TOWN: Dr Saji Mauel (centre) was welcomed by colleagues Dr Viktoriya Sidenko and Dr William O'Reilly. Picture: Jessica Bahr

WITH 15 years of experience and a strong interest in geriatric cases and chronic diseases, Dr Saji Manuel is a welcome new addition to the team at Western Downs Medical.

After completing his training in India and working there for a number of years, Dr Manuel and his wife, who is also a doctor, made the decision to come to Australia and first settled in Bundaberg.

Four years later, the couple moved to Toowoomba with their four children.

"I have been in Dalby for two weeks now, and everybody has been very welcoming,” Dr Manuel said.

"I was interested in medicine from my childhood, always. I had asthma and allergies for which I was seeing doctors, so I thought it was good to be a doctor to take care of patients in the community. So that was my motivation.”

Dr Manuel said the main difference between practising in Australia as opposed to India was the population.

"In India, we were seeing up to 70 or 80 patients per day, so we couldn't be as organised,” he said.

"Here, we can spend more time with each patient and feel more satisfied.”

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