
Tara swimming pool revitalisation completed following $8.5m injection

Western Downs residents have been welcomed back to the Tara swimming pool which has officially reopened following a multimillion-dollar revamp due to claims of the previous pool being in ‘seriously poor condition’.

Revitalised Tara Aquatic Centre officially complete. Picture: WDRC
Revitalised Tara Aquatic Centre officially complete. Picture: WDRC

Residents are now able to use a Western Downs public pool that has been closed since for the past two years due to an $8.5m revitalisation.

The project, which was given the green light in 2021 despite many of the public voicing their disapproval for the revamp, has officially completed.

Mayor Paul McVeigh said the upgraded centre would support a range of community uses.

“Council is committed to ensuring its facilities are attractive, safe, and accessible and the completion of the Tara Aquatic Centre will offer a fresh space for the community to come together and enjoy some outdoor fun and fitness,” he said.

Revitalised Tara Aquatic Centre officially complete. Picture: WDRC
Revitalised Tara Aquatic Centre officially complete. Picture: WDRC

“The revitalisation has included a complete replacement of the main pool, which was in a seriously poor condition, the installation of a disability ramp and lane, pool heating to extend the swimming season, new kiosk and amenities, an accessible adult change facility, new open communal spaces for community enjoyment, and state of the art infrastructure and equipment to prolong the life of the new asset.”

When it was announced in 2021 that the pool would receive the upgrade, many members across the region voice their disapproval for halving the size of the pool that was originally 50m.

A petition was created by residents in the area and gained 2414 signatures to put a stop to halving the pool however failed.

Mr McVeigh said the new facility offered opportunities for all kinds of swimming activities and levels of fitness.

Revitalised Tara Aquatic Centre officially complete. Picture: WDRC
Revitalised Tara Aquatic Centre officially complete. Picture: WDRC

“We know the project has had its challenges and council has learned from this experience,” he said.

“We also know the community will love this revitalised facility and we are excited to work alongside the pool operator to ensure the new space is valued and enjoyed by the community.”

WDRC is hosting a celebration at the Tara Aquatic Centre on Saturday October 28 from 2pm with the pool officially opening from midday Tuesday September 19. Residents will receive free entry to the centre until the community pool party in October.

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