
Western Downs drink driver Daniel Justin Boulton faces Dalby Magistrates Court for high range drink driving

A man took himself to a Western Downs police station after he was having dinner at a restaurant and realised he was ‘far too intoxicated’ to drive home, following a seven-hour drinking period. See how it unfolded.

A third of drink and drug driving offenders come from these two professions

It was while he was sitting and eating at a local restaurant that a Dalby man realised he was too drunk to get back behind the wheel of his sports car, and decided to take himself to the police station.

Daniel Justin Boulton, who appeared in Dalby Magistrates Court on August 1, was charged after he dobbed himself into police for drunk driving.

Police prosecutor Chris Hutchins said on July 16 the man was eating at Lotus River Chinese Smorgasboard restaurant which he had driven to from his Black St residence, and realised he was too drunk to be behind the wheel of his Mercedes Benz.

“While at the restaurant he realised he was far too intoxicated to drive behind the wheel of a high powered spots car then decided to hand himself into police,” Sergeant Hutchins said.

“He said he would be likely to kill himself or another innocent person if he continued to drive.”

The court was told the man had started drinking from 11am that day, before heading to the restaurant at 6pm and when breath tested by police, presented a reading of 0.207.

Boulton told the court of personal and mental health related challenges that had led him to make the poor decision.

“The time when I walked into the station was a cry for help,” he said.

“I haven’t had any alcohol whatsoever since then. I hit my brick wall when I walked into the station.”

Sergeant Hutchins said the man effectively “handed himself in”.

“(Boulton) certainly has insight into his offending,” he said.

Magistrate Kyna Morice applauded the man’s achievement in seeking drug and alcohol counselling on his own.

“I take into account that you haven’t drank alcohol for two weeks, and for someone with a problem every day is significant and I don’t take it lightly,” she said.

Boulton pleaded guilty to driving while under the influence.

He was fined $850 and disqualified from driving for six months.

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