
Haylei Ann Glenbar faces court after claims racial profiling led to store incident

A 19-year-old woman claimed in court she and her friends were racially profiled at a busy Dalby store prior to an altercation with staff members. Details here.

A Dalby woman has faced court after alleged racial profiling led to an incident at a busy department store.
A Dalby woman has faced court after alleged racial profiling led to an incident at a busy department store.

A woman charged with destruction of property at a Dalby store claimed in court she was racially profiled by staff prior to the incident.

Haylei Ann Glenbar, 19, faced Dalby Magistrates Court on Tuesday where she pleaded guilty to destruction of property after she smashed a mug in a busy department store during an argument with staff.

The court was told that on April 2, 2024, police were called to the shop about 4.19pm after reports of an argument between a group of teens and staff.

Glenbar’s lawyer told the court his client, her 16-year-old sister and their two friends, who were all of Aboriginal descent, had been profiled when entering the store and had heard a staff member say “here we go, black people coming to steal”.

They were then allegedly followed by staff which led to Glenbar’s sister yelling at the manager before Glenbar grabbed a mug, valued at $3.50 and smashed it on the ground in anger.

Her lawyer said Glenbar was sensitive to being “targeted and bullied” after her older sister had committed suicide three years prior following bullying.

Magistrate Kyna Morice acknowledged Glenabar’s proud Aboriginal heritage and said it was up to her to represent her community in a positive manner.

Glenbar was placed on a six month good behaviour order, was not fined for the offence and no conviction was recorded.

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