
Western Downs community groups encouraged to go green with the latest round of Enviro Grants

Western Downs community groups are being encouraged to apply for the latest round of Enviro Grants to help boost the region's environmental sustainability. Find out more here.

Chinchilla Family Support Centre: Used Envirogrants funding to expand their recycling program.
Chinchilla Family Support Centre: Used Envirogrants funding to expand their recycling program.

Western Downs Regional Council has launched the latest round of their Envirogrants Program supporting local organisations to undertake sustainability projects.

Created in collaboration with Iolar Operational Services the grants are funded by 40 per cent of the sales of recovered goods at the Chinchilla, Dalby and Miles Waste and Recycling Centres.

The grants are for projects which focus on environmental sustainability or conservation, educational initiatives in waste and recycling, community health and wellbeing and social outlets for members of the community as well as demonstrating a purpose that is in the public interest.

Council’s Planning and Environment spokesman Kylie Bourne said the Envirogrants were a wonderful program that promoted environmental sustainability of the region by empowering communities to develop local green initiatives.

“As a community we take pride in our natural environment and council is proud to be part of an initiative that aims to protect and preserve the best of our region now and into the future,” Ms Bourne said.

“The funding for this program comes from the proceeds of our Recycling Market Shops, operated by council contractor Iolar Operational Services, at Dalby, Chinchilla and Miles. Thanks to residents purchasing items to re-use and recycle, we have a significant funding pool to support community-driven environmental and sustainable projects throughout the region.

“We’ve seen some absolutely fantastic green initiatives brought to life by past recipients of Envirogrants funding, and I encourage the community to submit their applications so we can continue to contribute to a sustainable, vibrant future for the Western Downs.”

Chinchilla Community Kindergarten: Received funding to install solar panels.
Chinchilla Community Kindergarten: Received funding to install solar panels.

Previous successful grant applicants included Chinchilla Community Kindergarten, who used their funding to install solar panels.

“We were successful in receiving an Envirogrant, which enabled us to install solar panels on the building roof. These projects make a significant difference to our operating costs and allow us to be more environmentally aware,” Ms Bourne said.

The Gums State School also received funding which they used to make a veggie garden.

“The kids love the vegetable garden we were able to install thanks to the Enviro grants program,” they said.

“They love to watch the plants grow, and are so proud of themselves when they get to pick and eat their very own vegetables. They have learnt so much about where food comes from, and have enjoyed the responsibility of caring for the garden and the environment.”

Moonie State School: Created a school community garden.
Moonie State School: Created a school community garden.

Moonie State School also used their funding for a community garden.

“This grant helped fund a community garden at the Moonie State School, which is open to not only the children, but the whole of the Moonie community,” they said.

“The community garden promotes health and wellbeing and provide an educational experience to everyone who comes to enjoy it.

“The support of Council and Iolar Operational Services is hugely important in allowing us to undertake this project, and I encourage other community groups around the region to take advantage of funding opportunities when they are available.”

Applications can be made here.

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