
Funds vital to find cure

Inaugural Cancer Council barefoot bowls day was a hit with almost $2000 being raised.

Robyn Buckley at the inaugural Cancer Council Bowls Day Fundraiser at Dalby Bowls Club, 2018. Picture: Ebony Graveur
Robyn Buckley at the inaugural Cancer Council Bowls Day Fundraiser at Dalby Bowls Club, 2018. Picture: Ebony Graveur

DESPITE the ominous skies, the rain held off on Sunday, November 18, and the inaugural Cancer Council barefoot bowls day went ahead with almost 60 bowlers turning up.

In total, close to $2000 was raised, taking into account donations, raffles, and the entry fee.

While the Cancer Council has hosted fundraisers in the past, the event was the first of their barefoot bowls days.

Cancer Council Queensland spokesman Richard Handley said he was more than happy with the turnout, especially taking into account the time of year.

"There's just so much on with Christmas parties and the weather is warming up,” Mr Handley said.

"It would have been nice to have a few more people there but those who were seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves.

"We had a great outcome from our raffle, with lots of very high quality prizes donated by local businesses and supporters.”

The Cancer Council organised the event to raise funds for their mission: to provide support to people and families of people suffering from cancer, to raise awareness about cancer and the signs to look for, and to further research into preventing and curing cancer.

"The money raised will help find a cure. That's our aim,” Mr Handley said.

"We also want people to know when to go to the doctor.”

Mr Handley said that among the regular bowls players there were a number of attendees who were inexperienced or completely new to the game.

"A lot of those non-regular bowlers were there because someone they know had been affected by cancer,” he said.

"Cancer seems to bring a community together because so many people are affected by it.

"I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

"I would love to do it again, perhaps at a different time in the year.”

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