
Australian first beef genetics launched at Western Downs Angus seedstock operation

Chinchilla’s NB Genetics and ABS have worked together to implant NuEra T14 male sexed embryos into recipient cows, from the ABS development facility in Wisconsin, USA for the first time in Australia.

Kate and Nick Boshammer, NB Genetics with Matt Aikenhead and Jared Wareham, ABS
Kate and Nick Boshammer, NB Genetics with Matt Aikenhead and Jared Wareham, ABS

A farming operation just outside of Chinchilla has become the first in Australia to implement “NuEra” genetics into cattle.

Nick and Kate Boshammer run NB Genetics, a Angus seedstock operation which aims to help Australian cattle producers attain strong carcass qualities.

NB Genetics established a relationship with ABS in 2023, which last week led to them implanting NuEra T14 male sexed embryos into recipient cows, from the ABS development facility in Wisconsin, USA

NuEra T14 is comprised of an Angus hybrid line and designed as an ideal terminal solution that complements the highly maternal cow and produces a strong genetic offspring.

NB Genetics and ABS acknowledged their shared vision in supporting beef producers to navigate industry challenges.

“We often talk about using technology and advanced animal breeding to address these challenges,“ Nick said.

“Allowing our clients to stay focused on producing high-quality beef, in the most efficient way possible is our goal.”

Mr Boshammer said the newly established partnership with ABS was an opportunity to connect Australian beef producers directly to the newest genetics and technology on the market.

“What this does for NB Genetics, is that it opens us up to a genetic pool without any limitations, to focus on what’s really important in terminal feeder cattle – growth, efficiency, and meat quality,” he said.

Kate echoed this.

“Joining forces with ABS allows us to supply these genetics directly to producers, and the NuEra bulls represent the newest and most advanced herd sires on the market,” she said.

“When ABS approached us with the concepts and ideas around this genetic line, it immediately caught our attention.

“ABS’ genetic technology and expertise is so far advanced, as a seedstock producer we would never be able to match the genetic advancements they are making.”

ABS NuEra Business Development’s Jared Wareham said the chemistry between NB Genetics and ABS was strong from the start.

“We sensed right away the level of enthusiasm Nick and Kate had about bringing NuEra to Australia,” he said.

“It wasn’t hard to see and feel the complementarity.

“What we feel is important to the partnership is being passionate about delivering the best solutions to commercial producers as they endeavour to raise a calf crop and secure the property for the next generation while making better beef.

“It’s about not being bound up by a specific breed or philosophy, just focusing on what’s the best path forward and what the right combination of people, science and vision can achieve.”

Mr Wareham said the NuEra program was designed to simplify the production of food.

“In the case of high-quality beef part of that formula is better, simpler production systems,” he said.

“As genetic technologies advance, we have the ability to drive harder towards the use of specialised terminal beef sires on highly maternal cow lines, which creates simplicity for the producer and a more sustainable production model for the industry.”

Veterinarian and bovine specialist Dr Ced Wise and his team at Ced Wise AB Services implanted the NuEra T14 embryos at Chinchilla last Friday.

“Today technology exists to allow producers to be very focused and intentional on what they do with the land and resources they have. It’s great to work with Nick and Kate.,” Dr Wise said.

“They see an opportunity to supply their clients with the newest genetics on the market, and are not afraid to push the boundaries and think outside the box.

“We think the quickest way to allow our clients to improve their operation is to bring them new ideas from industry leaders like ABS and show them how it actually works in their herd,” Nick says.

NB Genetics will have the first Australian-born NuEra T14 progeny hit the ground early next year.

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