
Torso killer caught in a lie in police walkthrough video

THIS is the moment convicted murderer Lindy Williams lies to police about the man she killed and decapitated with an electric saw. SEE THE VIDEO

Torso murder: Killer's police walkthrough

THIS is the moment convicted murderer Lindy Williams lies to police about the man she killed and decapitated with an electric saw.

This police walk-through video can be made public for the first time after Williams was today convicted by a jury and sentenced to life behind bars for the brutal and horrific killing of her boyfriend, Coolum Football Club president George Gerbic, in September 2013.

While no one will ever really know how Mr Gerbic died, or when he was brutally cut up by Williams, the video shows just part of the web of lies the killer told in an attempt to get away with murder.

Voluntarily participating in a re-enactment of what she said happened on the day Mr Gerbic died, Williams walks around her Sunshine Coast property with Detective Senior Constable Brett Long about 10 months after she dumped the 66-year-old’s burning body on the side of a road near Gympie.

In the video, Williams is wearing a blue forensic suit, and Sen-Constable Long asks her to show he and another officer what Williams claims happened in the house.

“If you can just run as though the things that happened and where it happened,” he says as Williams ushers him into the lounge room.

Torso killer Lindy Williams, clad in a forensic suit, shows police the scene of the crime after her arrest.
Torso killer Lindy Williams, clad in a forensic suit, shows police the scene of the crime after her arrest.

You can almost see her mind ticking over as she tries to decide which lie to tell next.

“He was really quite angry…” Williams begins, saying she had made Mr Gerbic dinner before he attacked her.

“He picked a knife up and he just started to lunge at me with the knife...”

They move into the kitchen and Williams tells police her arm was bleeding after Mr Gerbic cut her.

She claims he attacks her again before slipping on her blood and hitting his head.

“I was trying to put this tea towel on my arm and then I realised he was coming so ... the stool was there and I just picked the stool up and tried to hit him to get him off me...” she says.

“There is a whole lot of blood here and he slips and falls back... I don’t know where he hit his head but I heard a bang... by this time I’m already down to the bedroom there.”

They walk into the bedroom where Williams claims she hid overnight and pushed a table against the door because she was too terrified of what Mr Gerbic would do next.

The lies become almost comical as the video progresses.

“I had a knife, I had a knife by my bed and always usually sleep with a knife by my bed since the first time he went at me,” Williams remembers to add to her story.

She tells police how she wakes the next morning and apparently leaves her lover on the floor before going to stay in a hotel.

Torso killer Lindy Williams, clad in a forensic suit, walks detectives through the scene of the crime after her arrest.
Torso killer Lindy Williams, clad in a forensic suit, walks detectives through the scene of the crime after her arrest.

Williams says she returns to the home three days later — a lie that was later disproved by hotel records.

She claims Mr Gerbic’s body is miraculously missing from the kitchen when she arrives home.

Williams says she walked into her ensuite bathroom and saw “this thing”.

“What was just here?” Detective Long says in a calming voice.

Williams replies: “George, the top part... wrapped in plastic.”

“I could smell a really horrible smell and first of all something told me: ‘Just look because it’s smelling’... and I pulled the plastic back and I could see George’s black T-shirt, and he always wore a black T-shirt, and then I could see a part of an arm, just one side...”

Williams tells police she covered the body back up and got into bed, but never phoned authorities.

Instead, she shows officers the place in the garage where she got a tarp and rope and wrapped Mr Gerbic’s body like a present to take it to the roadside and burn.

“I tried to pick it up with just the plastic but I couldn’t pick it up because it was too heavy and that’s when I went and got the tarp and a rope and after I wrapped it up, I dragged it out,” Williams explains.

She was charged with murder later that day on July 17, 2014, almost a year after Mr Gerbic was killed.

A Facebook picture of Lindy Williams with her partner and victim George Gerbic
A Facebook picture of Lindy Williams with her partner and victim George Gerbic

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