
Coronavirus updates: Breakdown of Scott Morrison’s major concerns

Scott Morrison’s press conference updates on the current COVID-19 situation in Australia. SEE THE KEY POINTS

Coronavirus: Scott Morrison's new measures to curb the spread of COVID-19

SCOTT Morrison has addressed a number of coronavirus concerns in a press conference this morning, including food hoarding, school and mass gathering updates.

Australia’s situation has undergone continual monitoring, with imposed measures expected to be in place for six months at this stage.

The Prime Minister updated the public on information about gatherings, travel, hoarding, schools, aged care homes, social distancing and time frame.

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– There are to be no mass gatherings of 100 people or more in indoor venues

– There are to be no mass gatherings of 500 people or more in outdoor venues

– This will exclude essential locations. These include: Public transport, medical and health ser

vice facilities, emergency service facilities, disability or aged care facilities, prisons, youth justice centres, courts or tribunals, Parliaments, food market, supermarkets, grocery stores, retail stores, shopping centres, office buildings, factories, construction sites, mining sites,

schools, universities, child care facilities, hotels and motels and other accommodation facilities. Other exceptions apply to places where people transit through like Queen Street Mall, Bourke Street Mall, Federation Square and Martin Place.

– The gathering restrictions will apply to churches, mosques and other places of worship.


– There is to be no international travel to any country

– There is to be no large scale domestic travel restriction

– There is will some restrictions to remote indigenous communities, to be determined by the State and Territory Governments


– Stop doing it

– Laws will be considered to crack down if necessary


– Schools will remain open

– There is little to no risk to children from the disease

– Closing schools would have knock on effects including tens of thousands of job losses and a 30 per cent reduction in available health care workers

– The situation will continue to be monitored

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– There are to be no large group visits

– No school groups are permitted of any size

– Visitors should practice social distancing, keeping 1.5m apart where possible

– Children aged 16 or under should only visit by exception (as they are less good with hand hygiene and can carry the virus without symptoms)

– Visitation should be limited to be limited to two people at one time

– There can be exceptions for end of life visitations, with sensible precautions to be arranged with your aged care provider

- People will not be able to visit an aged care facility if they have returned from overseas in the past 14 days, if they had contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, if the have a fever, cough, sore through, running nose or shortness of breath, or if they have not been vaccinated against influenza (after May 1).


– No more handshakes

– No more hugging, except with family

– Where possible keep 1.5m between people


– The measures are expected to be in place for six months

– It could be longer if needed. It could be shorter, but this is unlikely

– Chief Medical Officer says a two-week shutdown will only delay the problem, not stop it


- The Human Biosecurity Emergency has been declared under the Biosecurity Act

- The declaration allows the Health Minister to issue targeted, legally enforceable directions and requirements to combat the virus

- This includes banning of cruise ships from entering ports for 30 days

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