
Is anyone else starting to miss Tony Abbott?

When he was aiming for the top job that smugness seemed like smartness, now it just seems like we've got a slime ball for a PM.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott was given an onion to inspect while touring a farm in Tasmania. It was a very nice-looking, as onions go, but no-one really expected him to just crunch into it did they?
Prime Minister Tony Abbott was given an onion to inspect while touring a farm in Tasmania. It was a very nice-looking, as onions go, but no-one really expected him to just crunch into it did they?

IF you gave me the choice between a snake-oil salesman and a bloke too blunt and honest to palm off a bitter pill - I'd pick the tactless oaf every time. 

And I guess that's why I feel sorry for Tony Abbott. 

Things for the former PM hit a new low this week with a video showing just how tough times are for him on the campaign trail. 

It seems even in his safe, blue ribbon seat on Sydney's Northern Beaches the one time Liberal kingpin faces torrents of abuse from obnoxious no-names keen to take a cheap shot. 

READ: Tony Abbott abused while handing out how-to-vote cards

The thing the Australian public so quickly forgot with Mr Abbott was he was simply doing what we elected him to do. 

We voted for a government that said it would rope in our burgeoning deficit - but when faced with a tough budget we told the pollsters we didn't like it. 

Australians also have to admit they voted for a government which ran the campaign mantra of "stopping the boats" and whether or not you agree with the act, or the means used to achieve it, you have to admit Abbott's Government did it. 

And finally we voted for a government that said it would scrap the carbon tax and again this was done swiftly. 

Now instead of a man who stood for strong ethics and values we've got an inner-city silk slithering his way across the country trying to slime into the nation's top job. 

Remember when Abbott became a national laughing stock for saying everyone should be on "Team Australia"?

Well I'm not going to defend the slogan - it was stupid and frankly the kind of lame jibber-jabbering that got him booted - however, the image below popped up in my Facebook stream yesterday. 

An ad Malcolm Turnbull has had placed on Facebook
An ad Malcolm Turnbull has had placed on Facebook

And therein lies the point, it would seem to me Malcolm Turnbull stands for little more than being a moderate protector of the status-quo. 

Oh and of course Team Malcolm.

One voter in Western Sydney just about summed it up this afternoon when they asked Mr Turnbull a simple question he had no idea how to answer: "Who are you?"

I for one am starting to miss Mr Abbott; he may have been rough around the edges and messaging blunt but he was honest and simply put elected. 

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