Building more homes is the only solution
Southeast Queensland’s housing crisis has intensified, with the region now facing a shortfall of 25,000 rental properties due to the fewer number of homes being approved.
Southeast Queensland’s housing crisis has intensified, with the region now facing a shortfall of 25,000 rental properties due to the fewer number of homes being approved.
Private fund managers are making the running as the retail property market resets.
A global logistics and delivery company has secured a warehouse at Brisbane Airport’s new industrial estate, which when built will be the size of three and a half rugby league fields.
Two developers on the Gold Coast are launching their own construction company to combat volatility in the building sector as they deliver their luxury residential unit tower.
The final property of one of the world’s most-celebrated architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, has come up for sale. Take a look inside.
Home buyers went on an spending spree that resulted in some eye-popping prices, despite the downturn. See the top 25 sales of the year.
Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William has taken over his father’s Duchy of Cornwall portfolio — and it has a weird property in it.
Southwest Queensland has become a haven for buyers as it still remains one of the most affordable regions in the country. Read our guide to some of best bargain homes you can grab for under $300,000.
One team has won the biggest prize ever given away on The Block, but it wasn’t good news for the other four teams on auction day. (Warning: Spoilers)
More than 300regional Queensland suburbs defied the property slowdown during the last quarter. Find out which surprise suburbs recorded double-digit growth. INTERACTIVE.
The results of the Block audit are in and Scott Cam sends one team’s builders home and cuts off their credit cards due to spiralling debt.
Start ups and switched-on buyers are overcoming the deposit barrier with alternative ways to get into their own door sooner.
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