
Layla Heinemann sets her mark in the business world thanks to her wildly successful business Paila Designs

Meet one of Charleville’s youngest entrepreneurs who has already achieved major success in the business world after co-founding her clutch company.

Local Charleville business Paila Designs.
Local Charleville business Paila Designs.

When most 12-year-olds spend their spare time sitting back watching TV or thinking about their next day at school, Layla Heinemann lives a double life as a successful business owner.

When she’s not studying, Layla is at the table with her sewing machine pouring her heart and soul into creating beautiful, one-of-a-kind handmade clutches.

What started as a simple idea between two best friends to create unique Christmas gifts for their school teachers, soon developed into a full-blown enterprise.

Paila Designs, a blend of the two business owners’ names Paisley and Layla, has grown so successful that they sold out of stock completely in the lead up to Christmas.

“I have always loved drawing, painting and anything crafty, so starting a little business while doing something that I really enjoy has been great,” Layla said.

Layla hard at work making one of her highly-requested clutches.
Layla hard at work making one of her highly-requested clutches.

“We came up with the idea of hand painted clutches as it wasn’t something that the teachers would usually receive (for Christmas).

“Once family and friends had seen the clutches, we were getting requests for more to be made.

“After making around 15 clutches, we had decided that maybe there would be other people in the town that would like a hand painted clutch.

“Every step to make a clutch is done with minimal assistance from mum. I do all of the sewing and painting, including sewing the clear vinyl.

Paila Designs business owners Paisley (left) and Layla (right) selling their handmade clutches.
Paila Designs business owners Paisley (left) and Layla (right) selling their handmade clutches.

“I enjoy being my own boss as I have the flexibility of working my own hours, and I can choose to have a day off when I am not feeling motivated.

Some of the beautiful and unique designs available from local Charleville business Paila Designs who handmakes clutches.
Some of the beautiful and unique designs available from local Charleville business Paila Designs who handmakes clutches.

“Paila Designs is a friendship business, so we both work on our own designs at our own pace.

“In the lead up to Christmas I had made and sold over 60 clutches, which was so exciting.”

Layla said she wants to keep getting the word around about her product so that eventually this could be her full time job.

“I think my clutches are great as they add a handmade touch and they provide a pop of colour to your outfit.”

You can visit Paila Design’s website for the full range of handmade clutches available and to make an order.

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