
Central Queensland mayors say federal budget won’t derail Beef Corridor road push

“We have a compelling case for funding that is commensurate with its value to the nation’s economy.”

A road train carrying cattle. Photo: File
A road train carrying cattle. Photo: File

Queensland Beef Corridor mayors say the Federal Government’s budget, to be handed down on Tuesday, will not derail their push for “critical” beef supply chain funding.

“It’s promising to have funding for the inland freight route, but it needs to link up with the local freight network used by businesses that contribute $1.7 billion a year,” Central Highlands Mayor Kerry Hayes said.

“We are a mature and sustainable food production system that is creating more value-adding and additional jobs in the new economic environment.

“You only had to be at Beef 2021 to see the range and extent of innovation and technology that livestock operators, transporters and processors have adopted.

“We don’t expect to influence this budget so soon after the launch, but we know that the focus on regional investment and key industries must continue and must support beef production.”

Launching their campaign at Beef Week, the seven mayors involved with the Beef Corridor group road network said their local government areas contained a quarter of the nation’s beef herd.

“Our region represents one of the biggest cattle herds anywhere in the world, and we have a compelling case for funding that is commensurate with its value to the nation’s economy,” Barcaldine Regional Council Mayor Sean Dillon said.

“There’s a tougher world economic landscape out there and we need to be cost-effective and agile.”

The mayors said their communities had identified better roads as the overwhelming priority for the agricultural industry.

“We’re obligated to continue our advocacy to state and federal governments to realise those ambitions,” Banana Shire Council Mayor Nev Ferrier said.

“Getting the Queensland Beef Corridor links sealed and upgraded is the best start to ensure that our beef industry continues to lead our agricultural superiority in quality and competitiveness.”

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