
Kingaroy man headbutts mother in face, blackens eyes

A YOUNG Kingaroy man has been jailed after he attacked his own mother, headbutting her in the face during a drunken rampage. FULL DETAILS:

A Kingaroy man attacked his own mother, headbutting her in the face during a drunken rampage. File photo.
A Kingaroy man attacked his own mother, headbutting her in the face during a drunken rampage. File photo.

A KINGAROY man has found himself behind bars after headbutting his mother, causing “black eyes”, and threateningly pointing a large kitchen knife toward his own chest, a court heard.

On November 22, 2020, the defendant was charged with two counts of contravening a domestic violence order made on August 6, after attacking his mother while his brother watched on in horror.

Reading the sentencing statements, Magistrate Andrew Sinclair said the defendant kicked a water cooler and threw furniture around the living room upon arrival at his mother's house.

He then headbutted her, causing immediate discomfort and black eyes, before grabbing a “large kitchen knife” and pointing it toward his own chest.

“You then went on to struggle with the two police officers who turned up, kicking both constables as they were taking you out of the place,” Magistrate Sinclair said.

The defendant pleaded guilty to a total eight charges before Kingaroy Magistrates Court, including the two counts of contravening a domestic violence order, two counts of assaulting police, and obstructing a police officer, as well as drink driving, failing to display learner plates, and supplying a dangerous drug, namely oxycodone.

The defendant was represented by Jay Rose from Rosegold legal, who told the court her client has three previous convictions of a similar nature between 2018 and 2019.

Mr Rose said her client’s previous offending, in relation to domestic violence, was with previous partners and not his mother.

“Here we have a 20-year-old defendant, with an appalling history, but when your honour hears the antecedence of (the defendant), your honour will understand that he has a significant drug and alcohol problem,” Ms Rose said.

“He started using drugs and alcohol at the age of 12, he’s eight years into that, and spent a considerable amount of his adult life in custody as a result of offending.”

Ms Rose said with respect to the most serious offences against his mother, the defendant has no recollection of the offending due to his use of drugs and alcohol at the time.

“He’s very sorry and remorseful, not only of his actions toward his mother, but also in front of his brother.”

For the domestic violence, assault and obstruction charges, Magistrate Andrew Sinclair sentenced the defendant to six months in prison. His parole release date has been set for January 22, 2021.

“You’ve already served time in custody in respect of domestic violence, and given the amount of alcohol and violence, there must some underlying issues,” Magistrate Sinclair said.

“Until you do something to address the issues that cause you to drink too much and take violent actions when you do, you’re likely to spend considerably more time in custody.”

“The courts must show that it won’t be tolerated. A person such as yourself will have to be deterred and encouraged to rehabilitate yourself via the imposition of sentences that are firm enough to make a real deterrence to leaving your problems unaddressed.”

For the drink driving, he was convicted and fined $1000, which was referred to SPER, and disqualified from holding or obtaining a license for 12 months.

For not displaying L-plates, he was convicted and not further punished.

For supplying the dangerous drugs, he was convicted and not further punished.

“All of these offences result from you drinking too much and getting out of control, and taking that out on other people. That’s something that you, and only you, can address,” Magistrate Sinclair said.

Convictions were recorded for each offence.

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