
Melbourne Cup 2016: Can you enjoy it (almost) sober?

CAN you enjoy the Melbourne Cup without being absolutely plastered?

CAN you enjoy the Melbourne Cup without being absolutely plastered?

Having been to a few of the social dos over the years, I've been left wondering.

Young men and women, throwing back cans of spirits like there is no tomorrow.

Staggering around the race course in various stages of undress.

By the end of the day, throwing their liquor back up in a state of regret.

Young women sneaking into the male toilets because the small number of cubicles at the local races are just not enough for the conga line of busting patrons.

Oh, there's nothing like it eh?

Sure, the majority of punters show a lot more class.

A few champagnes with friends. Nice food, and the occasional glance at the race action.

Melbourne Cup is fun for most.

So why do some have to just go completely crazy?

Do we really need to measure the success of our partying by how drunk we get?

Don't get me wrong, as a young person, I didn't mind having a few drinks.

And I certainly don't mind a few on social occasions.

But these days, good conversation in an environment where you can hear yourself talking is preferable to being blasted by music and obscenities from people well beyond it.

I know, I'm getting old.

But come Melbourne Cup a couple of champagnes will do me just fine.

Hope you enjoy your day, hopefully without excess or regret.

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