
SPOOKY: Five of Bundaberg's most paranormal stories

EVERY region has its most paranormal tales. Here are five of Bundaberg's most puzzling mysteries.

These are some of Bundaberg's spookiest tales.
These are some of Bundaberg's spookiest tales.

DO BIG cats roam the region? Was footage of a UFO over Bundy real?

Every region has its most paranormal tales.

Here are five of Bundaberg's most puzzling mysteries. 

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Alleged UFO sighting over Bundaberg

Mysterious UFO video

In 2012 a mysterious video appeared on YouTube claiming to show a UFO in the skies over Bundaberg.

The video had hardly any information and shows a silver object fading in and out of the darkness.

A TV and outdoor noises are audible and at the very end, a blue light can be seen to the right-hand side of the video.

Howevber, it's unsure what this object is.

A poll conducted by the NewsMail at the time showed that about 70 per cent of readers either believed aliens visited earth or that it was a possibility.

Barolin St ghost

Back in 2011 a Bundaberg man and his dad had the most chilling experience of their lives when their drive down Barolin St was interrupted by a woman on the road - except she wasn't any typical woman.

The ghostly woman wearing white tried to open the car door, but her hand passed straight through.

The man who shared his experience with the NewsMail said the woman looked extremely sad and tired.

An apparition in the attic?
An apparition in the attic?

Grand Hotel Childers

Childers' Grand Hotel is famous for being haunted by a personality known as Luke the Spook who many believe was Victor Thomas Hunt Graham who allegedly fell to his death at the hotel in 1931.

Ghost hunters who carried out investigations at the pub in 2017 captured strange images and orbs of light moving around on video.

Speculation about the Blue Mountains panther suggests their could be animals we don’t know about in Australia that are still alive.
Speculation about the Blue Mountains panther suggests their could be animals we don’t know about in Australia that are still alive.

Big cats on the prowl 

Do big cats roam the region?

Reports of sightings go back as far as anyone can remember.

Former Isis resident Laurel Fotheringham shared her heart-stopping tale in 2013.

Walking on her property one night, she heard a noise and turned around.

It was then she saw a "full-size panther" standing between her two large dogs.

In more recent times, reports of a big cat in the forest between Maryborough and Gympie fuelled local discussion on their sightings.

A woman talked about how she'd see a sleek cat larger than a wolfhound and likened the experience to being as frightening as alien abduction.

Sightings have also been reported at Yandaran Creek and South Kolan.

The haunted house at Maroondan.
The haunted house at Maroondan.

The ghost that followed a house

Back in the 1990s a man purchased a Quay St home and moved it to a property at Maroondan.

While unsure of the home's age, he knew it dated back to at least 1945 andbelieved it was built for a bank manager and his family.

But soon after the home was settled in its new countryside location, odd things started happening.

Glowing light would fill a bedroom and a strange dry haze had been left in rooms where this glow had happened.

The home's owner tracked down the home's previous occupant only to find out he had experienced lights going on by themselves in the night.


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