
Publican Shorne Sanders running for Bundaberg council

A businessman who grew up in Bundy and was saddened by what he found when he returned says he hopes to part the “dark clouds” which he believes hang over his home city.

Shorne Sanders announces run for Division 8 of the Bundaberg Regional Council

A local publican has thrown his hat in the ring for the upcoming local council elections, hoping he can part the “dark cloud” hanging over the Bundaberg region, and be a spokesman for the community sentiment.

Shorne Sanders will officially run for the Division 8 spot in the council chamber, currently held by incumbent Steve Cooper.

The publican, who has spent years managing some of the largest pubs in the town, said on Saturday he was stepping out of his comfort zone to nominate for the role, but believed he had the grit and determination to do the work.

Mr Sanders said there was not one “lightning bolt” moment which triggered his decision to run but felt since relocating to the region that the city had lost the spark which had defined his childhood.

“I’ve always taken notice of what’s going around here,” he said.

“But coming back here, and seeing what the place is like now, it’s nothing like when I was growing up.

“It kind of feels like Bundy has lost its way a little bit.”

Mr Sanders said his largest concerns were the number of empty shops in the CBD, homelessness and kids and teens roaming the street seemingly without anything else to do.

“I think the youth need to do be engaged and have something to strive for and want to stay in this town,” he said.

“They are the future of the city.”

Shorne Sanders has announced his decision to run for the Division 8 seat for the Bundaberg Regional Council.
Shorne Sanders has announced his decision to run for the Division 8 seat for the Bundaberg Regional Council.

He has spent days door knocking on the streets to let voters know of his candidacy, putting his name forward, meeting locals and hearing their concerns.

Mr Sanders said people’s concerns ranged from finances and the call to return the early ratepayer discount to the perceived lack of transparency over multimillion-dollar projects.

“Ratepayers need to know where their money is being spent,” he said.

“They have every right to know, they’re paying good money for services, they should be entitled to know where that’s going, and they’re entitled to have an opinion on it as well.”

When he considers stepping into the council chambers, Mr Sanders said he would not do so carrying any firm election promises, other than a keen desire to put his head down, learn and do the work.

“I’m not seeking a career in politics, I’m not doing this for the money,” he said.

“They say that fresh eyes can create change, so if I can create change that’s for the better that’s what I’m here for.”

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