
Police warn farmers after fuel, tools targeted by thieves in South Kolan district

Farmers are doing it tough as it is but now, criminals have the region’s rural properties in their sights. Here’s what police are saying.

Crims are not taking a hint when it comes to stealing from farms in South Kolan.
Crims are not taking a hint when it comes to stealing from farms in South Kolan.

A notable increase in property crimes on farms, particularly in the South Kolan district, has sparked a warning from police.

Farming equipment such as quadbikes, tools and fuel have been targeted during these offences.

Police say the trend began between June 14 and June 16, when a vehicle was parked on the side of Dicksons Road, Yandaran as a result of a car crash.

The vehicle was unable to be secured due to the crash and a number of items stolen including the roll cage, tailgate, rear tail lights, speakers, stereo and interior light covers.

Another incident occurred between July 1 and July 29, when a property on Monduran Road, Waterloo was broken into and large toolbox taken.

Last month, overnight on August 12, a 2020 Honda quadbike, toolbox, fire extinguisher and fuel drum property on Bucca Road, Bucca.

Between August 28 and August 30, at a property on Eardleys Road, Welcome Creek, heavy duty padlocks were cut to gain access to fuel tanks. 1,000L to 1,500L was stolen.

According to police, farmers in the Meadowvale, Bucca and Sharon areas have seen a particular increase in fuel stolen, however many of these offences were not reported.

Police are encouraging landholders to report offences not only so officers are aware of offences occurring but also so investigations can commence and the culprits caught.

Landholders are also reminded of the following steps to protect property and machinery.

  • Make a detailed inventory of all your personal, household and farm valuables. Record details including, serial numbers, inscriptions, brands, age, replacement value and other identifying features.
  • Engrave or mark your property using a number or piece of information unique to you.
  • Ensure all farming and livestock handling equipment, machinery and tools are kept in a secure area.
  • Photograph or video your property, particularly stud stock, machinery and those items that are not easily engraved or marked. Keep these photographs in a safe place.
  • Keep all paddock, shed and stockyard gates closed and locked.

You can contact Policelink on 131 444.

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