
Adam Luke Keith Best pleads guilty to armed robbery, possessing dangerous drugs

A Qld court has heard how a serial offender’s attempts to disguise himself went woefully wrong, with the man picked up by cops within an hour of robbing a nearby supermarket.

Adam Luke Keith Best appeared in the Bundaberg District Court.
Adam Luke Keith Best appeared in the Bundaberg District Court.

A serial offender has pleaded guilty to the “unsophisticated” crime of stealing hundreds of dollars from a regional Asian supermarket in broad daylight while leaving his face uncovered and not fleeing the area.

Adam Luke Keith Best pleaded guilty to one count of armed robbery and one count of possessing dangerous drugs in the Bundaberg District Court on Thursday April 4, 2024.

Crown Prosecutor Anika Fritz told the court on June 7, 2023 Best had attended a Bundaberg Asian grocery supermarket at roughly 1.40pm wearing a black hoodie, gloves and red shorts while carrying a duffel bag.

Upon entering the store, Best removed a hammer from the duffel bag and threatened the only person in the store – the shop attendant – to “open the till”.

“The defendant moved towards the counter and he swung the hammer towards the complainant but did not hit (them),” Ms Fritz said.

The court heard Best grabbed $250 from the till, warning the shop attendant “if you call the cops I’ll be back” before leaving the store and running to a nearby hostel.

He then changed with clothes kept in his duffel bag, the court was told.

Despite his efforts to otherwise disguise himself, Best did not cover his face during the robbery, allowing police to identify him through CCTV.

The court heard police tracked Best down within an hour of the robbery.

He walking the streets only 400m from the scene of his crime, the court heard.

“They (police) also had to chase him as he did try to run from them, but he was unsuccessful in the end,” Ms Fritz told the court.

“In essence, it’s an unsophisticated what is colloquially known as a ‘knife short’ robbery, however in this case it involved a hammer.”

Best was taken to the Bundaberg Police Station but was unable to take part in an interview due to being heavily under the influence of methamphetamines; .05g were found on him.

The court heard the 25-year-old had a lengthy criminal history which included multiple court appearances for more than 40 offences.

Defence Barrister Allana Davie said her client had a history of mental health issues, and drug abuse had contributed to his history of offending.

This had been born from a failed career as a professional athlete.

She told the court since Best’s arrest on June 7, he had remained in custody and completed a certificate in fitness, while working in the kitchens.

Upon his release, Best intended to live with his family for the first time in several years, an arrangement which would offer “immediate support”.

Judge John Allen KC accepted the submissions from Ms Davie but was firm with Best about his attitude upon release.

“You have to realise that if you continue to offend you’re just going to spend longer and longer periods of time in prison,” he said.

“Take advantage of whatever support are offered on parole but ultimately it’s up to you to make the decision you will abstain from methamphetamines.”

Taking into account the support of Best’s family, Judge Allen sentenced Best to three years imprisonment with immediate parole with convictions recorded.
302 days of presentence custody was declared time served.

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