
Man calls for research into homosexuality 'affliction'

HOMOSEXUALITY has been around for a long time it has been mentioned in history books and in the Bible, says a local man.

HOMOSEXUALITY has been around for a long time it has been mentioned in history books and in the Bible.

Perhaps this I why many people believe it is part of human nature and it is here to stay.

But that is far from true it is one of the most unnatural acts indulged in by man and is certainly not here to stay.

Many scientists have endorsed my long held belief that homosexuality and other related dreaded afflictions may be preventable.

It is only 67 years since the death sentence for buggery in Australia was abolished and only 20 years since it was decriminalised.

Also it is not that long ago that it became illegal for man to have sex with animals.

So it seems that one unnatural act has been made illegal and another has been legalised.

Since it was decriminalised homosexual men have made it known that they want their intimate relationships known and legalised as marriage the same as our mothers and fathers.

I believe this would make a mockery and degrade the relationship between a heterosexual man and woman which is marriage - the reason we are all here.

Even so our PM Turnbull has recently stated that he supports the marriage of two homosexual men and would vote yes.

He also wanted to force the Australian people to pay for and vote in a crazy 200 million dollars plebiscite, but thanks to a few thinking politicians they put a stop to it.

I now believe that money would be well spent on scientific research into homosexuality.

It could lead to the prevention of a lot of suffering in future generations and perhaps an end to confused and unnatural sexuality.

Support service for LGBTJQ people have been set up around Australia to help in dealing with their problems.

The group letters refer to people with some form of sexuality affliction.

The letters I and Q have been added recently and after contacting their support services I was told that the letter I refers to Intersex a word not found in my dictionary.

The letter Q refers to the word queer used to name and describe a homosexual man for many years prior to decriminalisation.

It is no longer considered derogatory by the support services.

So now I ask the queer politicians in Federal Parliament would they submit themselves to scientific research in an effort to speed up the prevention of homosexuality and other mentally affected sexuality issues.



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