
Does a female ghost haunt historic Bundy building?

THE Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery is bright and vibrant during daytime but in the dark there are said to be ghostly spirits that haunt building.

HAUNTING HISTORY: Customs House, circa 1910. Picture: State Library of Queensland
HAUNTING HISTORY: Customs House, circa 1910. Picture: State Library of Queensland

THE Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery is bright and vibrant during daytime but in the dark of night there are said to be ghostly spirits that haunt the 117-year-old building.

Rebecca MacLean, who has worked at the gallery for five years, said during that time she knew of four reports of a woman haunting the gallery's upper floor.

The most recent was made late last year.

Perhaps the strangest aspect is that in recent history the ghost has only ever been encountered by women fitting the same description with long, dark hair.

"On a number of different occasions we have had reports of a female ghost in the upstairs area of the gallery,” Rebecca said.

"It starts with an unbearable chill coming in through the bottom of the bedroom door.

"Then they hear heavy footsteps like a boot and the swishing of skirts walking around in Gallery Two.”

Rebecca said from the time it was built as His Majesty's Customs House in 1902 until the Commonwealth Bank vacated the building, that area acted as a residence.

"It is now a place where our artists in residence can stay while they work in the region,” she said.

Rebecca said no staff had ever seen or heard the ghost.

"One of the artists said during the night she felt pressure on the bed as if there was someone else sitting on it. Let's just say she was keen for a quick exit in the morning.”

Rebecca said none of the artists who made the reports necessarily believed in ghosts but their eerily similar stories had left an impression.

With such a frequent number of reports in a relatively short space of time, gallery staff decided to investigate.

They didn't find any historical evidence to substantiate the experiences and Rebecca said as far as staff were aware no deaths had ever been reported in the building.

The building is open for inspection on Saturday, August 24 as part of 2019 Bundaberg Open House.

Bundaberg Regional Council's Bundaberg Now

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