
School captain title family endeavour at Kepnock State High School

A big brother has had the privilege of passing on his title of school captain to his sister at an awards night for a Bundaberg high school.

Kepnock State High School 2024 School Captains Natalie Ephraims, Tehya Hunt, Riley O’Neill & Ryan Hack. Image credit: Paul Beutel.
Kepnock State High School 2024 School Captains Natalie Ephraims, Tehya Hunt, Riley O’Neill & Ryan Hack. Image credit: Paul Beutel.

Accepting the title of school captain was extra special for Kepknock State High was extra special for Natalie Ephraims, who will replace her bother in the role.

Zander Ephriams served at the Kepnock SHS senior school captain in 2023, and said it was an amazing feeling to hand the prestigious mantle to his little sister.

“Passing the mantle on to my sister felt amazing because I know she will do great things for this school as she is determined and always tries to help the school however she can,” he said.

The siblings and their family are credited for ongoing support and advocacy for the school, which delighted in watching the special handover take place at this year’s awards night on November 14.

Natalie said being named as the 2024 captain was something she had wanted for a long time, and jumped up in excitement when her name was read.

The siblings had been cautiously optimistic about their chances, spending the night before the awards ceremony discussing the possible handover.

“We were discussing what we would do before the night if I were to receive the title of school captain, and he said he would try and be the one to hand me my blazer,” Natalie said.

Zander and his little sister Natalie were thrilled to see the 2024 School Captain mantle stay in the family. Image credit: Paul Beutel.
Zander and his little sister Natalie were thrilled to see the 2024 School Captain mantle stay in the family. Image credit: Paul Beutel.

“When the moment did arrive, the hug in the moment just felt so right.”

Natalie plans on using her voice to advocate for her fellow students and pushing for genuine action.

“It feels like the adults are always making decisions based on what they want without including the people who the decisions are going to affect,” she said.

“I’m so excited to be a part of this student body that voices my peers in 2024.”

Year 12 coordinator Nicole Amey spoke on the touching moment the mantle was officially handed over and said while Natalie has big shoes to fill, she is more than up for the job.

“Zander and Natalie are both committed to the life and community at Kepnock State High School which is evident in their success as becoming a cchool captain,” she said.

“The school community was touched when Natalie was announced and Zander presented her the school captain blazer at the awards evening with a hug and smile on his face.”

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