
Bundaberg's Australia Day award winners shine

Mayor Jack Dempsey has announced the 2018 Australia Day awards for Bundaberg

Cadell Blackman (pictured with Cassandra Koch) won the Junior Creative Spirit award on Australia Day. Picture: Mike Knott BUN171117FORMALKSHS48
Cadell Blackman (pictured with Cassandra Koch) won the Junior Creative Spirit award on Australia Day. Picture: Mike Knott BUN171117FORMALKSHS48


Business Spirit Award

Criteria for this award has a focus on outstanding achievement by an individual or business that has made a significant contribution to developing our region's economy.

The winner is Alowishus Delicious. Tracey McPhee accepted the award.

EATING OUT: Alowishus Delicious owner Tracey McPhee and general manager David Lee-Schneider.Photo: Mike Knott / NewsMail. Picture: Mike Knott BUN280414EAT4
EATING OUT: Alowishus Delicious owner Tracey McPhee and general manager David Lee-Schneider.Photo: Mike Knott / NewsMail. Picture: Mike Knott BUN280414EAT4

Alowishus Delicious has not only been the name but also the taste on everyone's lips since the coffee experience created by Tracey established in Earls Court.

Alowishus Delicious has established and maintained an incredible standard and the quality of food, beverage and customer service is testament to Tracey's commitment to her customers.

The success of the business is built on a strong understanding of its customer base but also the manner in which Alowishus Delicious goes about its role of partnering with our community.

Tracey is a quiet achiever although it is well known that the business supports many local charitable events such as the annual Mayoral School Chaplaincy Breakfast; then there's its participation in Cafesmart each August where a $1 from each coffee finds its way to support the homeless.

Alowishus also partners with local agencies to support programs that offer coffee and sandwiches to be delivered to homeless people. Programs supporting the Children's Ward at the Bundy Base Hospital are also delivered through the fund raising efforts of Alowishus Delicious.

Green Spirit Award

The criteria for this award is outstanding achievement by an individual, group or organisation to the ongoing environmental sustainability of our region.

The judges couldn't split two nominees and I'm delighted to announce that Kelly's Beach Resort and Kalkie State School are joint winners.

WORLD TURTLE DAY: Kalkie State School students attended a talk by WWF Marine Species Project Manager Christine Hof. Picture: Mike Knott BUN230517TURTLE1
WORLD TURTLE DAY: Kalkie State School students attended a talk by WWF Marine Species Project Manager Christine Hof. Picture: Mike Knott BUN230517TURTLE1

It's hats off to Kalkie State School, its staff and students for such incredible dedication to environmental protection.

The school and its students are involved in so many worthwhile programs including protecting our fabulous turtles through their ban plastic bags awareness campaign, tree planting program, National Bilby Day and banning helium balloons program.

Bundaberg Chamber of Commerce Business awards 2017.ACCOMMODATION BUSINESS OF THE YEAR  Kellys Beach Resort. Picture: Craig Warhurst
Bundaberg Chamber of Commerce Business awards 2017.ACCOMMODATION BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Kellys Beach Resort. Picture: Craig Warhurst

The depth of involvement from staff and students is quite incredible and in addition to learning to protect and respect our environment and the creatures that inhabit it, the students are also learning additional skills associated with technologies that have included movie making and effective messaging and marketing.

Kelly's Beach Resort doesn't simply talk about Eco Tourism they work hard to maintain accreditation as an Eco Certified facility in Nature Tourism.

In fact Kelly's Beach Resort has maintained its commitment to achieving this accreditation for the past five years.

They are the only Eco Certified tourism product and the only Trip Advisor's Green Leader in the Bundaberg Region.

The regular industry audits undertaken to ensure they maintain this much desired status reveal that Kelly's Beach Resort continue to do the little things right - the little things that make a huge difference.

Water usage; Waste Management; using environmentally friendly products; simple thinks like stickers near power points encouraging prudent use of electricity and dual waste bins to encourage recycling.

It's one thing to talk about being environmentally sustainable but another to put those words into practice. Kelly's Beach Resort has the accreditation to prove its actions speak just as loud as it words.

Please acknowledge our environmental champions from Kelly's Beach Resort and Kalkie State School.

Junior Creative Spirit

The criteria for this award is outstanding achievement by a young resident (17 years or younger) making a significant contribution to the cultural and creative life of the region. The winner is Cadell Blackman

Cadell has been instrumental in bringing to life the culture and traditions of the aboriginal people to the youth of the Bundaberg Region through his organised school visits.

RECONCILLIATION: Cadell Blackman from the Goreng Goreng language tribal dancers performing at the National Reconciliation Week ceremony in Buss Park. Picture: Mike Knott BUN300517RECON1
RECONCILLIATION: Cadell Blackman from the Goreng Goreng language tribal dancers performing at the National Reconciliation Week ceremony in Buss Park. Picture: Mike Knott BUN300517RECON1

He undertook numerous primary school visits during the past 12 months where, along with members of the Kepnock Bush Tucker Boys and Girls group, he has engaged with young students in indigenous activities through dance, songs, language, artefacts and traditional games.

Cadell has been prominent in the dance group and is dedicated to keeping alive and sharing his knowledge of indigenous culture of which he is immensely proud.

As further testament to Cadell's desire to contribute he was a Senior Kepnock Indigenous Leader in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Creative Spirit

The Creative Spirit award highlights outstanding achievement by an individual, group or organisation making a significant contribution to the cultural and creative life of our region. Please congratulate Suellen Cusack-greensill our 2018 Australia Day Spirit Award winner.

SUNDAY SOIREE: Julieanne Emerick, Suellen Cusack-Greensill and Hannah Jacobs socialise at the Winter Feast event by Indulge at Fairymead House Bundaberg.Photo: Paul Donaldson / NewsMail. Picture: Paul Donaldson BUN170716SOIR5
SUNDAY SOIREE: Julieanne Emerick, Suellen Cusack-Greensill and Hannah Jacobs socialise at the Winter Feast event by Indulge at Fairymead House Bundaberg.Photo: Paul Donaldson / NewsMail. Picture: Paul Donaldson BUN170716SOIR5

Suellen is internationally renowned for her singing and there are few in our region who have not been in awe of her beautiful voice. Born and bred in Bundaberg, Suellen started singing in her preschool years and was soon recognised as a special vocal talent.

She started delighting audiences from a young age and after finishing school, she studied

Classical Voice at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and has performed abroad and at many international events.

Before returning to Bundaberg, Suellen was a professional musician. Since returning to her hometown she has dedicated her time to supporting local events and charities.

Suellen is a member of the Bundaberg Playhouse Theatre where she has performed in, directed and sponsored productions over the last 17 years.

As a part of the Winterfeast celebration, Suellen was instrumental in coordinating and performing in the inaugural smash hit 'Women In Voice'. She also performed at the Moncrieff Theatre's 2018 Season Launch.

Suellen conducts four local children's choirs to instil the love of music in the younger generation. St Joseph's senior choir under the baton of Suellen performed for the

2016 and 2017 Local Council's Citizenship ceremony for those becoming Australian citizens.

Suellen has performed in many ongoing charity concerts raising money for local and

Queensland wide charities including Drought relief projects, the Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal, and Relay for Life (Cancer Council Queensland).

Suellen conducts the choir and musicians for local Easter and Christmas church services.

Suellen annually supports local events and groups, performing as a soloist at the annual

Carols by Candlelight, Anzac Day, the Bundaberg Caledonian Band concert, The Orpheus

Singers, Bundaberg Players Inc and Afternoon melodies at Argyle Village.

Community Spirit

Our Community Spirit award recognises those fostering community spirit within our region.

This year's recipient is BOOMERANG BAGS.

Boomerang Bags is a terrific example of community members working together for the benefit of our region and our environment.

A dedicated group of community members volunteer their time to create reusable material bags that are provided free of charge to residents.

Carmen McEneany and Dee Sweeting are encouraging Bundaberg to get behind the Boomerang Bag concept. Picture: Mike Knott BUN010217BAG1
Carmen McEneany and Dee Sweeting are encouraging Bundaberg to get behind the Boomerang Bag concept. Picture: Mike Knott BUN010217BAG1

This not only reduces the number of plastic bags ending up in landfill but sees old material upcycled and given a new life.

With an impending 'bag ban' coming in to effect this year, being led by major shopping centres, this is a wonderful service for our community members.

The initiative started in early 2017. Organisers say the response from community members willing to help was simply astounding.

As of October last year, close to 3000 bags had been distributed under the Boomerang Bags initiative.

With a sewing bee held once a month, organisers say one of the most rewarding aspects of the program is the assistance received from all different groups and all different ages.

What a wonderful sense of community spirit this initiative has created. Please join me in congratulating Boomerang Bags.

Community Event

The most outstanding community event for 2017 is Gin Gin Bendigo Bank 10th Birthday Celebrations.

Gin Gin Community Bank had been operating for 10 years and in that time had given over $1 million back to the community. The Board of Directors wanted to celebrate these milestones and thank the community with a free entry event that was open to everyone.

The Gin Gin Community Bank decided it was very important to create a low cost event that could be attended by everyone in the Bundaberg Region for little to no cost. All rides, entertainment and stalls on the day were free.

Gin Gin Community Bank branch manager Robert Atherton and the team enjoy being such an involved part of their local community. Picture: Picasa
Gin Gin Community Bank branch manager Robert Atherton and the team enjoy being such an involved part of their local community. Picture: Picasa

Any event is made possible with hard work by community minded people and groups. The Gin Gin Community Bank wanted these groups to enjoy the festivities but also benefit from the day.

Over 40 not for profit community groups made the event possible. These community groups set up stalls to showcase, promote and sell items to raise funds and possibly recruit new volunteers for their valuable organisations.

Some community groups which attended the event were SES, JinJinBurra Aboriginal Corporation, Scouts, Local Men's Shed, Life Education, IWC, Lions club, PCYC Cadets and many more.

Each of these not for profit groups were able to raise much needed funds. Some not for profits were able to raise in excess of $1500 which equates to more than a year's worth of fundraising.

Over 20 small local businesses were also invited to set up a stall to help promote their business. Five local sporting groups provided entertainment for the afternoon showcasing local talent in their fields.

Over 2500 people attended the event which gave a great low cost day out for the whole family.

Feedback from the community reports that this is one of the best one-off events that they have ever attended.

I think we can all agree that any event which can so comprehensively support and represent a community as effectively as the Gin Gin Bendigo Bank's 10th birthday celebrations did is very deserving of the title of Community Event of the Year.

Junior Sporting Spirit

Our Junior Sporting Spirit award requires outstanding achievement by a resident, aged 17 years or younger, towards the sporting achievements of our region.

This year's award goes to Nathan Donaldson.

This is a young man whose success has been built on a spirit of determination.

Born with Cerebral Palsy, Nathan has always had that battling attitude competing in athletics as a disabled runner from a young age. Despite always placing last, Nathan pushed through pain and mobility barriers and would always complete his races.

Nathan Donaldson competing in the Little Athletics. Picture: Mike Knott BUN240916ATHLETICS20
Nathan Donaldson competing in the Little Athletics. Picture: Mike Knott BUN240916ATHLETICS20

Since taking up wheelchair racing Nathan has excelled in both his sport and in himself. He has competed in local, regional, state and national events. He has also recently competed internationally representing Australia in the World Junior Championships held in Switzerland, winning two bronze and one silver medal for Australia.

Nathan undertakes public speaking at schools, community breakfasts and other events spreading the 'I can, I will' message. He encourages others to have a go and promotes sports to all youth in our region.

Nathan has a determined mind and while many students may be trying to get out of cross country, Nathan is trying to convince the school to let him compete using crutches. This is what makes Nathan a great candidate, always taking on a challenge that others would rather give a miss.

Nathan's future goal is to compete in the 2019 World Championships and to line up alongside fellow Bundaberg Para Athlete Rheed McCracken who is a two time Paralympian.

Having two Bundaberg Para Athletes on the same start line in Tokyo would be an amazing achievement for our region and with his determination, we're sure Nathan will achieve it.

Sporting Spirit

The 2018 Sporting Spirit, awarded for outstanding achievement towards the sporting achievements of our region, goes to Jocelyn Bowman.

Jocelyn is committed to improving the skills of the lifesavers at the Bundaberg Surf Club and has also guided and trained other clubs' representatives.

In 2017, while wanting to 'retire' from the role, she again stepped up to assist in upskilling the young people in patrol competition, first aid and champion lifesaver events.

With a friendly nature and keen commitment Jocelyn took on this time consuming volunteer role with zeal.

In the seven years that Jocelyn has filled a training role for Surf Rescue, the Bundaberg competitors have been successful in winning many team and individual medals for Branch, State and Australian competitions. This is a wonderful result for a small club that may not have been possible without Jocelyn's commitment.

During the 2017 season Jocelyn coordinated weekly precision CPR training for teams and individuals in addition to arranging the scenario training on weekends.

Everything taught to the young people enables them to be well rounded patrol members and improves their life skills.

Jocelyn's guidance has resulted in an obvious confidence in new competitors and their commitment to their training, involvement in the lifesaving community and volunteering is partly a result of Jocelyn spending the time with them and being dedicated to improving their skills and abilities in an engaging way.

While being involved in the Surf Rescue and Rescue and Resuscitation (R&R) since joining the club, she has also successfully held roles as Surf Sports Officer, canteen coordinator, Registrar in addition to volunteering for the extra roles whenever the Club needs it. She is also the Team Manager for competitions.

I think you will all agree that Jocelyn has displayed our region's Sporting Spirit through her willingness to encourage and teach young people such important skills.

Young Citizen

Accepting our next award is a young girl who has displayed outstanding achievement by a young resident who demonstrates ongoing excellence in their field and in the community, demonstrating leadership and innovation while contributing to the development of the Bundaberg region.

Please welcome Young Citizen of the Year Summer Farrelly.

Nine-year-old Summer Farrelly is getting a name around the world as a chook whisperer. Picture: Craig Warhurst
Nine-year-old Summer Farrelly is getting a name around the world as a chook whisperer. Picture: Craig Warhurst

Summer is an incredible young lady who has turned adversity in to an opportunity to help others. At just 10 years old she is the founder of a therapeutic program called Chickens to Love.

Diagnosed with autism, Summer 'hatched' this idea from a unique bond she had formed with a blind chicken called Poley and the discovery of the many benefits this relationship offered.

Realising how much unconditional love a companion chicken could provide, Summer wanted others to feel as special as Poley made her feel.

Her vision is very simple: to provide socialised chickens to members of the community because everyone should feel loved and valued.

In 2017 Chickens to Love became affiliated with Community Lifestyles Support. With the assistance of members of the community, Summer's dream soon became a reality.

Summer was presented with a massive coop, built in just 48 hours, located at the ability centre, which allows the community to access her companion chickens.

Summer and her mother have collaborated with therapists creating an inclusion program based on social interaction and the bond Summer had formed with her chicken flock.

The program focuses on abilities of individuals regardless of age, physical and learning abilities.

Summer is already working on an extension of her program through a mobile coop. This will mean that for those that can't come to the chickens the chickens can go to them.

This innovative approach to community inclusion will no doubt make a significant impact on the lives of many residents.

Chickens to Love speaks volumes of Summer's maturity and foresight to instigate a project of this kind at such a young age.

Please join me in congratulating Summer, our Young Citizen of the Year.

Senior Citizen of the Year

Our Senior Citizen of the Year is someone who has displayed outstanding achievement and who displays ongoing excellence in their field and in the community, demonstrating leadership and innovation while contributing to the development of the Bundaberg region.

This year's recipient is Joe Mccorley.

Joe "retired” to Bundaberg in 2002 but has found himself very busy over the last sixteen years dedicating his time to the community.

In October, Joe was presented with the Papal Award, Croce Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, in acknowledgement of his services to the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton. The Award is conferred for distinguished service to the church by lay people and clergy and is this highest medal that can be awarded to laity by the Pope.

He is one of just two people of our Diocese who hold a Papal Award. Joe has given great service not only to the Diocese of Rockhampton, but to Catholic Education in our Diocese and on the Provincial level as Director of Queensland Catholic Education Commission for many years.

Since arriving in Bundaberg, Joe has founded the Ecumenical Lunch, which is an event that brings together people of all Christian denominations.

Each year the lunch features an inspirational guest speaker and all funds raised are donated to a nominated charity.

He was chairman of the lunch for 14 years, and was Vice-Chairman of the 2017 lunch which was attended by around 300 people who heard from International Humanitarian and Global Peacemaker Moira Kelly.

This event raised over $22,000 for the charity Helping the Homeless, with money used to help build showers and laundry facilities at the Dorcas Kitchen.

Other beneficiaries include Bundaberg flood victims, other Queensland cyclone and flood victims, drought stricken families in Western Queensland and 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami aid.

Joe also formed a Men Alive Group in Bundaberg, organising annual breakfasts, retreats and fundraising events for various charities, raising thousands of dollars each year.

Other high honours bestowed on him include Centenary Medal, Order of Australia Medal For Services to Education, Fellow of the Australian College of Education for services to education at the national level, Fellow of the Queensland Institute of Educational Leadership for services to the administration of education in Queensland and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Educational Leadership for services to the administration of education in Australia.

In 2008, the degree of Honorary Doctor of Education was conferred on Joe for his distinguished career as a teacher, educational administrator and leader.

A quiet achiever with great compassion and empathy, Joe continues to help anyone in need, regardless of their race or creed and he has done much to make Bundaberg a better place for all.

It seems the only honour left to Joe was to be named Bundaberg Region Senior Citizen of the Year. Well done Joe.

Citizen of the Year

Recognising an inspirational role model who displays ongoing excellence in their field and in the community, demonstrating leadership and innovation while contributing to the development of the Bundaberg region.

Meeting all these attributes is the 2018 Bundaberg Region Citizen of the Year DAVID BALDRY.

David's nomination detailed a life-long commitment to giving back to the Bundaberg Region.

A man of many and varied talents, he has donated his time to the community through organisations including Rural Youth, Kalkie State School P&C, the Bundaberg Show Society and APEX Club of Bundaberg.

He has volunteered for East Bundaberg Scouts Club and Bundaberg Karting Club in a range of capacities.

He has also been a member of the Rotary Club of Bundaberg East for over five years, with which organisation he made a significant contribution on behalf of the Bundaberg community in 2017.

In October last year David bought and rode a postie bike from Brisbane to Melbourne. This trip, which spanned approximately 3500kms and 10 days, saw him represent the community spirit so prominent in the Bundaberg Region right along the east coast of Australia.

David self-funded this charity fundraiser and then donated the postie bike to Rotary which was sold and all money raised used to support Rotary projects.

In 2017 he was inducted as President of the Rotary Club of Bundaberg East and will continue as president for a second year.

In recent times on behalf of Rotary he has self-funded his travel to the Solomon Islands to build amenities for the local school and provide other assistance in the Munda community in the Solomon Islands.

Dave is heavily involved in the club activities which have included second-hand book sales, purchasing items for and assembling Christmas boxes to send overseas, organising and assembling 200 birthing kits to be sent overseas, assembling men's packs to be delivered to local homeless men and supporting the Cambodian water wells project, among other activities.

Aside from these community contributions which could be seen as traditional fundraising avenues, David's commitment to his community harks back to the traditional neighbourhood spirit that is seldom found in modern day society.

Every Saturday morning, he invites the elderly gentlemen of the neighbourhood to come over and share a cup of coffee so that they can engage in some social contact and he can check on their welfare.

He regularly helps neighbours with mowing, odd jobs, practical advice or assistance and hosts a Christmas street party every year.

I am sure you will all agree that David is a most deserving Citizen of the Year.

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