
Are we a 1 or a 5? Your reviews of Bundaberg

WE ASKED our Facebookers to review Bundaberg and give the city a rating from 1-5.

The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD40
The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD40

WE ASKED our Facebookers to review Bundaberg and give the city a rating from 1-5 (five being the best). Our post received close to 100 comments, a handful of which are shared below.

5 - it's what you make it

A town is what you make it. A home is what you make it. We have climate, serenity, scenery, beaches, and generally a great attitude amongst the community. Look at what we did for each other through the floods and hard times, pulled together, as a community should. Yay Bundy!

Lisa Llyod

4 - Great climate and food

I've never struggled to find a job, we have a beautiful climate, plenty of locations to dine out, something for everyone, shops to suit all needs, cheap housing... lost a point due to some of the people that live here and their lifestyles (that give Bundy a bad name).

Monica Banks

2 - Lack of variety

The shops and main street are outdated and poor variety. There is no job opportunity for teenagers, young adults and mums. There is nothing for children and families to do. Not very many family friendly restaurants.

Anika Rutherford

5 - Bundy is wonderful

Bundy is a wonderful town. Has everything that you need to live comfortably. Great shopping centres, schools, hospitals, businesses and sporting complexes. Great weather, safe beaches. Where else would you want to live?

Pauline Crossett

3 - More jobs needed

Lack of things to do for families or anyone in general. Botanical gardens need to be cleaned up properly and finished. More industry more jobs required. Was great growing up here, but there has been a gradual decline in this town.

Mark Noll

The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD30
The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD30

2 - Not enough growth

There's very little growth and job opportunities are handed to friends and minors before strangers because charity starts at home. When you get a job it pays less than larger towns and cities. They'll say it's because of living costs, but someone can move from a city and buy a house here easy, whereas the locals (minus the lucky few) will only scrape by and can never dream of affording property. Drugs are rampant and why wouldn't they be? Lots of down people with zero hope. The hospitals and clinics are overworked but oh, look, a new coffee shop. At the end of the day. If you're here and low class, you aren't leaving. You could make a run for it if you have no dependants or someone to support you with cash, otherwise get used to it. You'll never raise the money here to afford rent elsewhere while looking for a job. Welcome to the drug cesspit. It's your home and mine. Oh, the botanical gardens are pretty nice I guess.

Emma Sinnott

4 - Too many roundabouts

Let down by the main street (no parking and it's not friendly to walk around in) also too many roundabouts and hoons. On the plus side - great amenities, great array of restaurants and cafes, easy to navigate around, wonderful local produce that is sold in many shops and a fantastic location!

Robyn Geddes

3. Shop variety is minimal

Only because there isn't much for young families and no one seems willing to improve on that. Businesses close down constantly to be replaced by yet another coffee shop. Variety in shopping is minimal unless you are willing to shop at expensive stores and pay ridiculous prices for more variety. There is employment if you look for it, but most prefer to whinge about the job opportunities. What is there to do for young people? Pubs. That's about it. Great climate. Beaches are beautiful. Pretty town.

Kim Mathews

The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD54
The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD54

2 - Lack of specialists

Lack of specialists doctors. Lack of good healthy restaurants. Lack of men's good clothing stores. Lack of community involvement to try make a better life for everyone. List goes on really.

Clinton Cross

5 - The weather is tops

It's a wonderful place, great weather, relaxed, laid back, nice town centre, great beaches and handy to so much around it. The downside is local work. It should be going to local people! Too many jobs are being given to travellers and visa workers which in turn puts a rise on our unemployment rate and in turn creates poor locals. No money, no spend, which in turn puts an impact on local business. Also creates depression, substance abuse which then creates crime.

Raymond Guivarra

The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD30
The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD30

3 - The beach is nearby

I love Bundy, been here most of my life. I have never struggled to get a job in the professions I chose. I love that the beach is just a short drive away, as is freshwater swimming places and good places to go fishing. What I would love to see more of is things for kids/pre-teens to do at little or no cost, a water park, like Hervey Bay, or another skating rink. We have great eateries and nothing is to far away. But, yes, the main street needs more parking, as does the hospital. Bundy really is a mix between city and country life. And living here practically all my life has been great. We have beautiful scenery practically on our doorsteps.

Missa Rollings

5 - We're blessed

You are blessed if you live anywhere in Australia. Bundy is a beautiful all-round place to live. It's not the location that has issues, it is the attitudes of the minority that find fault with this beautiful place. We have paradise right on our doorstep, some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. We have every convenience at our fingertips and only a short drive or flight to Brisbane. I could list many great things about Bundaberg and the surrounding region, but I'm going out to enjoy the sunshine and meet a beautiful friend for brunch at a lovely seaside cafe. Have a great day!

Petula Bush

The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD5
The Bundaberg CBD. Picture: Mike Knott BUN221216CBD5

5 - It's just the best

I can not rate Bundaberg high enough. I moved here two ago and I have had an amazing adventure and have a new family of friends that I just adore thanks to my employment at FSPH I didn't just join a hospital, I joined a team and found a family. Thank you Bundaberg.

Deb Simmo

1 - It's got a dead-end feel

It's got a "dead end" feel to it. There aren't really any exciting opportunities for future generations. The town hasn't had any positive changes in a very long time. The botanics aren't usually looked after very well. The pubs are putrid at night. All the entertainment options for kids are a little too spread out - both the indoor play centres, skate park, bowling alley. The only things close to shops are the cinemas. There was an arcade in Hinkler for a bit but of course that closed pretty quickly. Apart from the play centres for young kids there's nothing new to keep the older kids occupied. Walking through the main street is like walking through a thick cloud of cigarette smoke. Instead of a range of different stores and fast food places, it's just more of the same ones opening. It didn't seem like a bad place when I was a kid that was easily amused but as soon as I hit senior high school I couldn't wait to leave and move to a town that welcomed positive changes. I finished school 12 years ago and the only thing that has changed is they've got the monkeys back at the monkey park and added a few more Coles and Aldis.

Simone Bacon

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