
Brisbane lockdown: All your Greater Brisbane snap lockdown questions answered

When should you wear a mask? What’s allowed and what isn’t during the Greater Brisbane snap lockdown March edition? All your questions answered.

Greater Brisbane in Lockdown

When should you wear a mask? What’s allowed and what isn’t during the Greater Brisbane snap lockdown? Here are all your questions answered.

1 Who is in lockdown?

Anyone who lives in, or has been in, Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Redlands, Ipswich or Logan local government areas since March 20.

2 What are the reasons I can leave home?

For essential work, to get vaccinated for COVID-19 if you have an existing appointment, to get groceries, to get healthcare for yourself or a vulnerable person or to exercise.

3 What if I live in another Queensland area, but have visited Brisbane since March 20?

You must stay at home, no matter where in Queensland you live, if you’ve been in those areas since March 20.

Greater Brisbane is now in a three-day lockdown due to an outbreak of COVID-19. Picture: Josh Woning
Greater Brisbane is now in a three-day lockdown due to an outbreak of COVID-19. Picture: Josh Woning

4 Are there limits on what can be bought at supermarkets?

Yes, supermarkets are enforcing limits on staple items. Antibacterial wipes, toilet paper, tissues and frozen fruits and vegetables are among the list of supplies to be limited to two per shopper.

5 Can I have visitors?

Yes, people in lockdown areas are permitted two visitors at their home in a single day.

Gathering numbers at homes will be slashed to 30 people in all areas of Queensland outside of Greater Brisbane.

6 Can I get an Uber or taxi?

Yes, but you must sit in the back seat and you must wear a mask.

7 Can I get takeaway?

Yes. Cafes and restaurants are only permitted to sell takeaway in areas which are locked down.

8 Are bars and nightclubs open?


9 I am outside of the lockdown area, can I go to the pub?

Outside of Greater Brisbane, anyone attending food or beverage establishments like restaurants, cafes and pubs must be seated. You can still order, pay or collect food and drinks at the bar or service counter, but you’ll need to pull up a chair to drink and eat.

10 Do I need a referral for a COVID-19 test?

No, there are clinics which do not require a referral. Information on these is at

11 Who should be tested?

Anyone with symptoms, or anyone who has been in locations identified as exposure sites by Queensland Health

12 Will police pull me over if I am driving in Brisbane?

Yes, police will target vehicles and will ask people where they are going and for proof of being an essential worker.

13 The Chief Health Officer on March 19 said there wouldn’t be another citywide lockdown. What gives?

She said this after COVID-19 escaped from the Princess Alexandra Hospital but for more than a week no one seemed to have been infected. Dr Jeanette Young on Monday said there is now “significant community transmission” and this is happening “very, very quickly”.

14 Is this isolation or quarantine?

This three-day period is not quarantine and it’s not isolation. We are being asked to restrict our movements so we minimise the risk of the virus transmitting. Authorities are asking us to stay at home, but you can leave for four reasons. If you are in quarantine or isolation, you cannot leave for those four reasons.

15 I live outside Greater Brisbane and have not been there since March 20, can I visit my relative in aged care?

Personal visitors will not be allowed in aged care, hospitals, disability care and correctional facilities throughout Queensland according to health authorities and there will be increased PPE requirements

16 Why is the lockdown for three days?

This gives authorities the chance to get on top of contact tracing.

17 Can I still catch my flight to Brisbane Airport and then transit on to another area?

Anyone can fly into Brisbane Airport, international or domestic terminal, and then go directly from the airport out of the Greater Brisbane region.

18 I have a flight scheduled to fly home from my holiday in Brisbane, can I still travel?

Yes but that is dependent on what restrictions other states have put in place. Check before you fly.

19 Can I hold a protest?

Not in Greater Brisbane, gatherings are limited to no more than two people.

20 Can I still donate blood?

Yes, you can donate normally. It is considered an essential service.

21 Who is considered an essential worker?

Anyone whose work needs to continue that cannot occur remotely. If you can work from home, now is the time to work from home.

22 If I came into Brisbane for an essential purpose during the lockdown, can I travel outside the Greater Brisbane area?

Yes, people can come into Brisbane for essential work, to access healthcare, and to provide support to a vulnerable person they are responsible for. But when they leave they need to go into isolation in their home, except for those reasons (plus exercising in their local area) until 6pm on Thursday.

Testing clinics are now open across the Greater Brisbane area. Picture: Bradley Kanaris
Testing clinics are now open across the Greater Brisbane area. Picture: Bradley Kanaris

23 When does the 50 per cent reduction in international passenger arrivals begin?

Straight away.

24 When will the international passenger cap lift?

The Premier has not mentioned an end date for the arrival cap to be brought back to 1300 repatriated Australians a week.

25 How does Queensland Health determine whether a positive case has the UK strain?

Genomic testing and sequencing.

26 Why are motorbike shops, Bunnings and other businesses allowed to open?

Individual shops have not been subject to orders to close, but people in locked down areas are only allowed to leave their homes for four essential reasons.

27 Are outdoor playgrounds closed?

In locked down local government areas, yes.

28 Am I allowed to exercise with a person from another household?

Yes – but only one other person from a different household.

29 Is the UK strain of COVID-19 really more infectious? What’s changed?

Yes, it is 70 per cent more contagious.

It spreads faster from people to people and from surfaces.

30 If I live outside the lockdown areas, but live with someone who has been in Greater Brisbane. Do I have to stay at home?

No, only people who have been in the areas impacted must stay at home.

31 Can I still go to a medical appointment?

Yes, for yourself or to help a vulnerable relative.

32 Can I still move houses?

Yes, as long as all other restrictions are adhered to.

33 Can I travel outside of Greater Brisbane to attend a funeral?

No, if you have been in the Greater Brisbane area since March 20, or you live in the area, you must remain at home until at least 6pm on Thursday.

34 What has been done to stop people fleeing Greater Brisbane for the Gold and Sunshine coasts?

Police are patrolling motorways north and south and will be pulling people over to question their movements. Those without a valid reason for travelling risk large fines.

35 Why weren’t there blockades on the M1 to stop people leaving Brisbane?

People who are essential workers are still allowed to travel around the locked down areas.

36 Why can’t I go to the gym?

It is not considered an essential service.

37 What about boot camps or personal training?

This is allowed in Greater Brisbane if it’s only two people, including the trainer, with physical distancing observed.

38 Why are international flights still allowed?

International flights are still allowed, but the amount of people allowed into the state has been halved and anyone returning from overseas must hotel quarantine for 14 days at their cost.

39 In the last lockdown we had a 5km limit on travelling away from our homes – is this in force now?

No, but people are being urged to stay in their own communities.

40 Why aren’t the Gold and Sunshine coasts involved in the lockdown?

Contact tracing has not shown any close or casual contacts of the positive cases have travelled to these areas.

41 Did National Cabinet declare the entire state of Queensland a hotspot?

No, just five local government areas, which are locked down until 6pm on Thursday at this stage.

42 How many people are allowed at weddings?

10 people.

43. How many are allowed at a funeral?

20 people.

44 I’m currently on the Sunshine Coast but live in Greater Brisbane – can I drive back to Brisbane today?

You can if you absolutely need to, but you will need to isolate at home once you arrive back in the Brisbane area.

45 Are childcare centres open?

Yes. Childcare services are allowed to be open. You may leave your home to drop off and pick up your child from a kindergarten or daycare.

46 I caught a train to/from the Brisbane Airport on March 20. I am now interstate. Should I self-isolate?

Yes and get tested if you have any symptoms.

47 Do children count in the limits on number of visitors/people in gatherings?

Children and infants are people and therefore included in the total numbers where limits are indicated.

48 What about real estate auctions and open house inspections?

Those are allowed via private appointment only.

Businesses across Brisbane have been forced to close due to the COVID lockdown. Picture: Bradley Kanaris
Businesses across Brisbane have been forced to close due to the COVID lockdown. Picture: Bradley Kanaris

49 Do we have to get tested if we have no symptoms but live in Greater Brisbane?

No, only get tested if you have symptoms or if you are considered a close or casual contact of one of the cases in the latest cluster. The list of locations are available on the Queensland Health website.

50 I have not been in the five lockdown LGAs since March 20 and want to travel interstate, where can I go?

You cannot go to Western Australia as the state has a hard border with all of Queensland. You may enter New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria and the ACT. The NT has also declared Toowoomba a hot spot and travellers from there will be forced into mandatory quarantine.

51 Can I travel from NSW back to Greater Brisbane?

Yes, but you will need to isolate for three days.

52 Will the lockdown affect flight schedules?

Some flights into Brisbane have been cancelled or postponed, you need to check with individual airlines for information.

53 The AFL’s Brisbane Lions were robbed the other night and now they’re in exile, why?

The AFL has decided the Brisbane Lions, who have been in Melbourne since last week, will remain there for safety and so the fixtures aren’t impacted too greatly. The Gold Coast Suns have also fled the Sunshine State, and are in Adelaide.

54 Are amusement parks and arcades open?

Facilities outside the impacted areas can remain open. If within the impacted areas, these facilities will be closed.

55 Can essential workers turn away customers who refuse to wear a mask?


56 Can I take my dog to the vet?

Yes, if it is an emergency, but social distancing will need to be observed and masks need to be worn.

57 Can truck drivers enter and leave Greater Brisbane and not have to isolate?

Anyone who drives through Brisbane and does not stop need not isolate.

58 Can you travel outside Greater Brisbane to shop?

No, you have to remain in your own communities for essential shopping or exercise.

59 Can I still drive to the train station, park my car and catch the train to work?

Yes, but you must have a mask with you and you should wear it on the train.

60 Will my JobSeeker payment be affected because I can’t go to appointments?

The federal government has lifted mutual obligation requirements for JobSeekers in the lockdown area from March 29 to April 6. No JobSeekers in those areas will face payment suspension or financial penalties for failing to meet their mutual obligation requirements, such as not being able to attend appointments or activities.

61 Are Gold Coast residents allowed to travel along the Gateway Motorway to get to the Sunshine Coast without needing to isolate?

Yes. As long as a motorist does not stop in an impacted area there is no requirement to quarantine.

62 Is there a restriction on other events, such as birthday parties?

In Greater Brisbane, you are only allowed to leave your home for permitted purposes. You may visit another person’s home as one of two visitors or attend a wedding or funeral.

Outside of Greater Brisbane, gatherings in people’s homes are limited to 30 people in total, including the people who live in that house. Yes, children and infants count.

63 Can markets operate?

Only food and farmers markets may continue to operate during the lockdown. Artisan markets must shut during the lockdown.

64 Why isn’t Gladstone in lockdown if one of the Brisbane cases went was there last week?

Gladstone will not join the lockdown but residents who have visited some key locations will need to get tested immediately. Gladstone residents who have visited Brisbane since March 20 should also follow Queensland Health lockdown guidelines and should isolate until they have been tested and cleared of COVID-19.

65 How did this latest cluster come to be?

Health authorities are awaiting genomic sequencing results to be able to link a Princess Alexandra nurse and her sister, both of whom tested positive overnight to Monday, to a PA Hospital doctor who tested positive on March 12 to the highly contagious UK variant

66 Are all sporting fixtures within the impacted areas cancelled? Will I get a refund?

Yes. Sporting events within the impacted areas have been cancelled. You should seek advice from the relevant ticket agency about refunds.

67 Are all community sports cancelled?

Yes. All community sports will be cancelled for the duration of the lockdown period.

68 I have tickets to Bluesfest down in Byron and I live in Greater Brisbane, can I go?

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said people from Brisbane should not attend the Byron Bay Bluesfest. Arrangements have been put in place for refunds.

69 Do people who cannot wear masks on medical grounds need to carry proof with them?

Yes, you need to prove why you cannot wear a mask, if you have a legitimate reason.

70 Are supermarkets going to run out of food?

No, city leaders and supermarkets have confirmed they will not run out.

71 Is Bribie Island included in the lockdown?

Yes, besides the very northern end.

72 Is Redcliffe in the lockdown?


73 What if I can’t afford to buy a mask?

Police or public health facilities can provide them.

74 Can I go to a church or place or worship?

No. Places of worship are required to close during the lockdown except for weddings and funerals (with the number of attendees restricted).

75 I am meant have custody of my child this weekend, is this still allowed?

For children under 18 who do not live in the same household as their parents or one of their parents, leaving the place of residence is allowed to continue existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children. As long as this does not include contact with people who are vulnerable to COVID-19, for example someone aged over 70.

76 Can I go fishing for food in an impacted area?

You can fish for food and essential reasons locally. You must be COVID-safe at all times. You cannot go fishing for fun. You are not permitted to leave an impacted area to fish.

77 If you’re on the islands in restricted areas, can you come to the mainland?

Yes, but only for essential purposes.

78 If I have tested negative for COVID-19 am I excluded from the lockdown?

No. All persons in the Greater Brisbane region and all persons who have been in the area at some point between March 20 and now must comply with lockdown restrictions.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young announces a three-day lockdown for the Greater Brisbane area, effective as of 5pm on Monday. Picture: Bradley Kanaris
Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young announces a three-day lockdown for the Greater Brisbane area, effective as of 5pm on Monday. Picture: Bradley Kanaris

79 Which businesses can stay open?

Only businesses or activities that are identified as non-essential need to close. Masks must be worn and staff and customers need to observe physical distancing as practicable.

80 Is it safe to use public transport?

Public transport will continue as normal and physical distancing is still in effect. However, you must wear a mask and follow the other advice from TransLink.

81 How many people can gather in outdoor areas, such as a park?

Within Greater Brisbane, you can head outdoors with members of your household or one other person who is not a member of your household.

82 I have an appointment in or outside of the lockdown area, can I attend?

If you live in an impacted area you are only allowed to leave your home to attend an appointment which would be considered essential or permitted, such as attending a medical appointment. If you live outside of an impacted area you can attend an essential appointment in an impacted area. However, you must abide by the lockdown restrictions upon your return, including only leaving your residence for a permitted purpose and wearing a mask when doing so.

83 Can I play golf/tennis?

Yes, they are forms of exercise. However, you must wear a mask, play with no more than one other person who does not live with you, and stay within your local area.

84 What about businesses and activities that are not required to close but are restricted under another direction?

Some businesses such as universities and accommodation facilities are not required to close during the lockdown.

85 Can I get an exemption from a requirement under the lockdown direction?

The Chief Health Officer may give a person or a group of people an exemption if extreme exceptional circumstances exist.

86 What are the fines for not wearing a mask or being out without reason?

You can be fined $200 for not wearing a mask in public and $1334 for being out for a non-essential reason.

87 Do I have to wear a mask in my yard?

No you do not need to wear a mask in your own yard.

88 Do children have to wear a mask?

No, children under 12 are not required to wear a mask.

89 Do I have to wear a mask in the car?

No, unlike during the January snap lockdown, masks in cars are not required.

90 Do I have to wear a mask while exercising?

Yes, unless the exercise is “strenuous” like high-intensity interval training, cycling or running.

91 Do I need to wear a mask to check the letterbox?

No, but you should have one with you and should wear it if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people.

92 What if I don’t own a mask and I need to leave home for an essential reason?

If there is an emergency, you leave, no matter whether you have a mask.

93 Do domestic tradies have to wear a mask on the job site?

Yes, if they are working with other people on job sites.

94 What types of masks are okay?

Flat surgical masks and reusable washable sewn masks can be used.

95 How do I wear my mask properly?

A face mask must cover your mouth and nose.

96 Do I need to wear a mask to walk my dog and mow my lawn?

No, but you should have one with you and should wear it if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people.

97 Do I need to wear a mask while riding a motorcycle?

No, but you should have one with you.

98 I have asthma. Am I exempted?

Yes. If you have a health reason for not wearing a mask, you do not need to.

99 Are masks now mandatory across all of Queensland?

Yes. You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.

People in Queensland must wear a mask in indoor spaces such as; shopping centres, supermarkets, retail outlets, hospitals and aged care facilities, churches, libraries, gyms, offices, and public transport.

Unlike in January, masks will not be required during strenuous exercise- defined as high-intensity interval training, cycling and running- and while driving.

100 Can I go to my COVID-19 vaccination appointment?

Yes. Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 is considered a critical reason to leave home.

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