Pride of Australia Medal Finalists
THE full list of Pride of Australia Medal 2013 finalists and the reasons and acts behind why they have been successfully chosen.
THE full list of Pride of Australia Medal 2013 finalists and the reasons and acts behind why they have been successfully chosen.
IN HIS OWN WORDS: The dad with no limbs, Matthew Ames, on the hard road to recovery – and the smiles that helped along the way.
QUADRUPLE amputee Matthew Ames has inspired his rehab team and other patients with his incredible spirit. Matthew says without them he wouldn’t have come so far as he has.
QUEENSLANDERS are a rare breed and this year’s finalists for the Pride of Australia award are no different. SEE WHO THEY ARE
COPS scarred while trying to control teen party nominated for Pride of Australia award.
WHEN a friend died leaving two orphaned girls, Libby and Peter Turnbull didn’t think twice before opening their home and turning their family in to a happy house of seven.
IF January’s Bundaberg flood drama was the subject of a movie, these men would be stars of the show.
IN THE spring of 2007, Andrew and Katherine Plint’s daughter Hannah, 2, drowned in their pool.
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